<byteit101[m]> do you have any insight into bsd usage, and other odd, non mac, linux, and windows usage?
<byteit101[m]> ex: raspberry pi, ruboto, longsoon, ibm i, etc
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<byteit101[m]> I'll need some help with mac arm, but linux 32 & 64 bit x86, and mac x86_64 now build on GHA: https://github.com/byteit101/subspawn/suites/8770729512/artifacts/397835630 Ran out of time to integrate it with jruby tonight though (nearly 30 commits/builds and 2 hours!)
<headius> BSD usage: I know that when we break it people come out of the woodwork to report issues, and Jeremy Evans develops Sequel on FreeBSD
<headius> Solaris and other unusual unixes drop off further of course
<byteit101[m]> arm linux (raspberry pi)?
<headius> unknown... it works but I have no idea if anyone uses it for anything
<headius> pi that is
<headius> arm linux more and more though
<headius> arm64 anyway
<byteit101[m]> Fair. I'll try to include FreeBSD x64, Mac arm64, and Linux arm64 then. I may need some help, as those are non-obvious to me
<byteit101[m]> I've been pondering this matrix: https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc#supported-operating-systems
<headius> we have access to a free MacStadium M1 mini and I have one here as well so I can help you get that
<headius> I don't have any linux arm64 instances at the moment
<headius> Earlier ldywicki mentioned using dockcross to cross-compile with docker so that is probably a better option for anything linux based
<byteit101[m]> Well, it's late. I shall do that tomorrow after work
<headius> enebo: should fix Time.at, but I'm kinda form-fitting the logic: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/7407
<headius> when I duplicated the CRuby logic there were some things I was unclear on, like how it shifts back and forth to UTC during zone negotiation
<headius> I think this is closer to the original logic
<headius> passes specs locally, but we'll see how it does in CI
<headius> this form of Time.at does not appear to be well-tested
<headius> ok ttfn, back in the morning
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<yardenlaif[m]> headius: The local variable name change would really simplify our variable parsing code, and also help out existing Java debuggers work with JRuby
<yardenlaif[m]> Other than that Java debuggers require the compile mode to be FORCE
<yardenlaif[m]> From what I can tell I can't programmatically force the compile mode to be FORCE
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<headius> There's a property you can set but I'm not sure if we check it again after boot
<headius> So it would be nice if you could switch to Force mode after startup
<headius> darn almost passed
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<headius> interesting, without my fix we actually pass all tests on the tzinfo gem
<headius> but jeremyevans's case fails
<headius> ok I pushed a more localized fix that doesn't regress tzinfo tests... hopefully sequel will also be happy with it
<Guimauve> headius - that you're still here and still going strong all these years later is unexpectedly comforting
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<headius> enebo: looks like my smaller fix avoided regressions and still solves the issue so I'll merge that in
<headius> Waiting to hear back about the socket binding thing since I could not reproduce locally
<enebo[m]> ok small is good
<headius> The logic for this is so hard to follow in MRI
<headius> Weird issue just came in for require_relative, I'll take a poke at it
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<byteit101[m]> I suppose I could just use gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi cross compiler for linux?
<headius> You could look at the GHA builds for JFFI, they use docker and qemu to build Linux binaries across several platforms
<headius> There are also cross compiler options but I've never managed to get them to work very well
<byteit101[m]> oh right
<byteit101[m]> still need your help for arm mac
<enebo[m]> so 19F/E still but they are generally error handling and probably minor
<enebo[m]> I need to test rubocop or maybe parser? to see if we are still passing everything there but this will probably get merged on Monday
<enebo[m]> This ended up being a hellish amount of debugging work to combine two type systems into one file but it should make future updates be less overall work
<enebo[m]> Assuming this ends up not leading to immediate followup work I think I will implement in-order execution of expressions (Ruby 3 feature) early next week. That should be one of our last outstanding Ruby 3 features we need for release (at least in regards to significant language-level features)
<enebo[m]> I do think we need some work on refinements still but I am not really sure
<headius> Yeah but two things I know that are outstanding is some modified hierarchy logic for prepend, that was a fix to the change in 3.0, and there are some refinement changes we need to catch up with
<headius> s/but/the/
<headius> I filed an issue for the prepend thing
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<headius> Not exactly sure what's needed for refinements but I know there's stuff in there
<headius> And of course there's a ton of stuff marked for 9.4 so we'll need to audit that and see what would be fine to push to a .1 release
<byteit101[m]> hmm... I think I will hope that dockcross and ldywicki can help me out
<byteit101[m]> and move on to jar packaging in the meantime
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<byteit101[m]> oh, do we have a listing of the shell exec commands?
<byteit101[m]> is it always ["sh", "-c", single_argument_command] ? or are there other cases?
<byteit101[m]> also, what's a fast way to iterate and test the complete jar?
<byteit101[m]> I have to use mvn -Pcomplete clean package or else I get errors
<byteit101[m]> Aww, -Pcomplete doesn't know how to deal with symlinks. got a strange error about "invalid regex options", because /home/byteit101/... looks like a regex instead of the symlink file :-D
<headius> We have a CI job that runs with the complete jar, but it's a complicated command line
<byteit101[m]> faster?
<byteit101[m]> locally it takes me 1:30 to rebuild the jar, I'm hoping to trim that down
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<byteit101[m]> headius: Is there a jruby-wide temp dir?
<headius> You mean a property or environment variable or something?
<headius> Pretty sure we look at the standard Unix environment variables for temp location, or the JVM does and we just follow that
<byteit101[m]> I mean for extracting so's to
<byteit101[m]> I am creating my own temp dir right now, but if there is a system wide one that will be deleted on exit, that would be great
<byteit101[m]> I see /tmp/jruby-1155459 /tmp/jruby-635075 /tmp/jruby-635491 on my system, with jline, readline, and wait.jar