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<headius> I like it
<byteit101[m]> I'll probably set all the gems up after work this week, then package the binaries this weekend
<byteit101[m]> Hope the conf is going well
<headius> wow, I haven't opened this copy of Element since guess the Linux machines have been working out well for me
<headius> (this is my old MBP... I'm still addicted to Keynote for presentations)
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<headius> but that's not a typical pattern unless you are explicitly handing off objects to another stack
<byteit101[m]> yes
<byteit101[m]> https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-gc but I've not used this before, and there are others
<byteit101[m]> you can add gc-like options to rust
<headius> cool thanks I'll have a look
<enebo[m]> fwiw when you need cycles in Rust (like making a graph) it is painful. I think the notion of GCable structs is pretty appealing to most Rust programmers...just as an add-on
<headius> yeah I remember this was a big challenge for implementing a VM for languages that routinely have cycles
<headius> for folks trying to e.g. implement Ruby or other GCed languages entirely in "good" rust
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<byteit101[m]> huh, ENV.class == Object
<byteit101[m]> JRuby is a hash
<headius> I think I remember that... We weren't sure why the define everything cutsom but I suppose they just want a subset of method
<headius> It's hash-like so we just customize Hash
<byteit101[m]> 2.6.2 :063 > ENV.to_h.methods - ENV.methods
<byteit101[m]> => [:<=, :>=, :compact, :flatten, :>, :compact!, :to_proc, :<, :default, :default=, :default_proc, :default_proc=, :transform_keys, :transform_keys!, :transform_values, :transform_values!, :fetch_values, :merge!, :merge, :compare_by_identity, :compare_by_identity?, :dig]
<byteit101[m]> 2.6.2 :064 > ENV.methods - ENV.to_h.methods
<byteit101[m]> => []
<byteit101[m]> yea seems fine on our side, just thought it strange
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<headius> yeah it might be worth us setting up only the methods that should be there, but it has only come up once or twice as an interesting oddity
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