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<headius> Hey I got pulled away for dinner
<headius> We have a MacStadium hosted M1 Mini, I have a runner set up for JNR and one for JRuby currently
<headius> So that can cover arm64 and maybe x86 macos
<byteit101[m]> Oh that's good. I'm just a bit lost on CI, both arm64 specifically and packaging in general
<headius> Dockcross would be great to figure out, ldywicki was mentioning it
<byteit101[m]> yes, I saw it and though it may be good, but was hoping they would help me out :-P
<byteit101[m]> Another question I had for you was: what version should the lfp binary be? 0.4.3 is the last release, and the sources show 0.5.0 is next. As this requires a not-in-upstream change right now, what should I use? I was thinking 0.4.9 maybe?
<headius> Good morning
<byteit101[m]> morning!
subbu has joined #jruby
<ldywicki[m]> hey, not sure why but element caused high cpu consumption on my end. Still have't got time to fight dockcross. Hope to get some time this week
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<headius> Oh that's no fun
<headius> I will look into dockcross a bit today also
subbu has joined #jruby
<headius> bleh
<headius> building qemu from scratch is taking forever on GHA... not going to be a feasible option probably
<headius> dockcross looks like it would work but our builds all depend on having a JDK
<headius> and it doesn't have loongarch yet
<headius> I am punting this back to loongarch folks and telling them we need access to hardware to build the binaries
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<ldywicki[m]> seems qemu 7.1 might have loongarch emulation, but most of dockcross images are still on 6.0
<headius> yeah
<ldywicki[m]> noticed that libffi has support for loong, does your copy in jnr requires an update?
<headius> yes
<headius> oh sorry no
<headius> we have a recent enough libffi already, according to the loongarch contribs
<headius> but I have no way to build it
<headius> struggling along here trying to get this to work: https://github.com/jnr/jffi/pull/126
<headius> I now have it building qemu for just the target platform, but I'm not sure how docker was ever running with qemu given the errors the last build gave me