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<headius> good morning!
<headius> enebo: rails does not generate right now on master, may be the prepend change I have yet to finish porting over
<enebo[m]> headius: oh. I am pretty sure we used to generate but I have not tried in a long time
<headius> probably since before I started making prepend/include changes
<enebo[m]> haha yeah for sure
<headius> TestRefinement#test_import_methods [/home/headius/work/jruby/test/mri/ruby/test_refinement.rb:2659]:
<headius> <"refined:bar"> expected but was
<headius> <"original:bar">.
<headius> this is the first test that fails due to `import_methods` not actually enabling refinements in the imported methods
<headius> not sure how to approach that feature but it is very new and unlikely to be showstopper
<enebo[m]> all releases have bugs too
<enebo[m]> but I suppose something big relying on that would be a deciding factor
<byteit101[m]> What should I prioritize for getting a subspawn release and integrating it with jruby?
<byteit101[m]> native library loading and building fat gems for select platforms are key things that I think is left to do
<headius> byteit101: yeah minimally getting it working with system libfixposix and then installable gems to install the library elsewhere
<byteit101[m]> systemlibfixposix isn't good, as it reduces spawn to not allow rlimit and umask
<byteit101[m]> for matching or exceeding spawn, we need my change to lfp
<headius> yeah just considering incremental options we can support
<byteit101[m]> though pty.spawn doesn't require that, so it may be doable?
<headius> what we have is already enough for most people, so each incremental improvement will be bonus
<headius> and if we have to say "libfixposix is supported but you may need to install this gem for full features" at release that's fine
<byteit101[m]> Note that no system has systemwide lfp installed by default
<byteit101[m]> debian, fedora, macports all require manual installation
<byteit101[m]> I can try hacking on jnr/jffi library loading if you wnt? I wasn't clear on what you wanted to do with that issue in what timeframe
<headius> yes
<byteit101[m]> *want
<headius> you could get familiar with the code that's there now
<headius> and maybe that maven native lib plugin to see if we could pivot to that first
<headius> that's probably the best first step, trying to get us using someone else's native library unpacking and loading logic
<byteit101[m]> which was that one again?
<headius> there's a few options but I'm not sure what is the most current
<headius> maven-nativedependencies-plugin
<headius> also this library for unpacking
<headius> this seems to be the current fork of maven-nativedependencies-plugin
<headius> like I mentioned this is an open question, I just know about these libraries from previous exploration and never decided on the best one to use
<byteit101[m]> I'll investigate those this week. woud like to get this released as a basic support rather soon
<headius> yeah it will be a nice announcement
<headius> enebo: I am pushing what I have, which includes another four or five refinements fixes
<headius> some of those are older but it's things like honoring refinements when calling Object#method, #send, #public_send, and a few other small things
<headius> I tried to fix #to_proc to use refinements but it goes through a LONG pipeline of functions for that checkCallMethod stuff in TypeConverter
<headius> just got a bit too invasive for my taste right now and refining objects to have to_proc seems like a really unusual feature
<enebo[m]> ok we just advance the state of things which is good
<enebo[m]> So I decided I was annoyed at seeing 2F on every spec:ruby:fast run locally
<enebo[m]> First problem was we error out in rake-ant because Ant exits and throws a non-persistent type. Easy fix which does not fix the errors but at least removes seeing an error every time I run this
<enebo[m]> The second problem is two Etc.sysconf calls which return -1 as an error but their errno is 0
<headius> ah ver nice
<headius> ver naayce
<enebo[m]> I am wondering if errno of 0 should just be a nil return since we obviously are not returning an errno
<enebo[m]> which makes me wonder what is up with that
<headius> hmm weird
<headius> if there's actually an error it should be captured
<enebo[m]> public long sysconf(Sysconf name) {
<enebo[m]> }
<enebo[m]> return libc().sysconf(name);
<enebo[m]> hmmm :)
<headius> I don't see anything wrong with the impl
<headius> it just calls right down into sysconf
<headius> and then checks errno immediately after
<enebo[m]> I mean it literally is using the plumbing below to do a simple int return an int call
<enebo[m]> but I guess I don't know how errno is set
<enebo[m]> oh also a literal call
<enebo[m]> haha
<enebo[m]> I wonder if the value is -1
<enebo[m]> resolution returns ELOOP. Must not be less than _POSIX_SYM‐
<enebo[m]> The maximum number of symbolic links seen in a pathname before
<enebo[m]> LOOP_MAX (8).
<headius> errno should be set by sysconf
<headius> I think it's possible for us to bind methods without capturing the error number but pretty sure this one isn't set up that way
<enebo[m]> yeah so I wonder if errno is 0 (and not threads thing) if -1 is really a valid return
<enebo[m]> If it is defined
<enebo[m]> to a value other than -1 or 0, then the option is supported
<enebo[m]> So -1 means unsupported so? I guess I can write a small C program but then this would mean FC is not posix compliant?
<enebo[m]> ./a.out
<enebo[m]> -1
<enebo[m]> MRI returns nil
<enebo[m]> HAHAH LOL: he return value is an integer or nil. nil means indefinite limit. (sysconf() returns -1 but errno is not set.)
<enebo[m]> Exactly this -1 but errno of 0
<enebo[m]> so that is a bug we should return nil here. ok fun times
<headius> Ok
<enebo[m]> It is amusing I have been staring at that for years
<headius> Ha yeah
<headius> Posix you so crazy
<enebo[m]> POSIX.1 but we don't support that
<enebo[m]> which it obviously gives you an option to return unsupported
<enebo[m]> So does POSIX.1 mean it will respond to and have defined a constant but it need not do anything
<headius> This is one of our extensions that I would love to replace with FFI Ruby code
<headius> Or else turn this into a JNR sub project
<enebo[m]> I may be onto a minimal linux distro idea
<headius> Minimal like a ruby based on the ISO spec
<enebo[m]> yeah this is not loaded by default and probably not used too much but with that said we also already wrote it
<enebo[m]> and ISO spec with everything unsupported
<headius> The fact that we already wrote it makes me lean toward the JNR option, so it's an external library and other people might use it and contribute to it
<enebo[m]> yeah but using more FFI means potentially supporting jnr-posix and everything under it less
<headius> Actually what am I saying, all of these native calls are already in jnr-posix
<enebo[m]> I think we generally are the only people hacking it
<enebo[m]> yeah
<headius> So maybe what I really want is to just remove the Java extension and write it in Ruby to call those bindings
<enebo[m]> that was also my original point
<headius> Now I don't see any value so ignore the last 5 minutes
<enebo[m]> Panama
<enebo[m]> JRuby X
<headius> The likely path forward for Panama may be that we start doing it parallel set of projects that are not JNR but panama-based and support the same but cleaned up and updated interfaces
<enebo[m]> yeah I mean that is a way to do it
<enebo[m]> I am not so sure I like jnr-posix API any more
<headius> The Panama Way is to generate all the binding code so about half of what we have in jnr would just disappear
<enebo[m]> but dropping in something would be the simplest way
<enebo[m]> easy to config between the two for transition as well
<headius> If we can make jnr-posix dynamically choose its back end that would obviously be the best migration path but it is pretty intimately tied to the JNR bindings
<enebo[m]> I don't want to touch that
<enebo[m]> It is a great idea on paper though
<enebo[m]> since all we do is config a different backend with a fall back
<headius> The Ruby FFI Will definitely want to be rehomed on top of Panama
<headius> Yeah in theory it is just ripping out the existing Java FFI back end but that's a lot of ripping
<enebo[m]> This is where your original statement is worth considering (e.g. taking some posix dependent stuff and just use FFI backed by panama)
<headius> Yeah
<enebo[m]> we will need to do some amount of work anyways and some libraries will be pretty easy to swap over
<headius> I think it should be possible to dynamically generate the binding at runtime as well without emitting Java code
<enebo[m]> but not all of them will be which sort of negates the benefits since we will still be making a backend for jnr-posix
<headius> You have to tell the generator explicitly that you want Java code or otherwise it just spits out class files
<enebo[m]> yum
<enebo[m]> Nice they provide both options
<headius> yeah there's some exciting stuff coming up. I need to sign off for Halloween stuff but I'll be back at it tomorrow and I'll merge this PR once the tests have run
<enebo[m]> ok ttyl8r
<lopex[m]> numbers