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<byteit101[m]> headius: I implemented loading so files from jruby complete. Unsure how to do gem jars, but I have those changes on a branch separate to the pty branch if you want to merge them seperately
<byteit101[m]> ~/code/jruby(pty-spawn ✗) bin/jruby -r 'pty' -e 'PTY.spawn("less", "-R", "-X") {|r,w, pid| w.puts(" yay #{pid}\n"*256); p }'
<byteit101[m]> " yay 1208073\r\n yay 120807"
<byteit101[m]> Success
<byteit101[m]> Also works in complete jar
<byteit101[m]> > ruby -r 'pty' -e 'PTY.spawn("ruby", "-e", "File.write(\"/dev/tty\", :hello.to_s)") {|r,w, pid| p }'
<byteit101[m]> Now works in both cruby and jruby (locally). If you'd like to try building it and seeing if mac x64 has issues, I can walk you through setting it up for local testing
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<ldywicki[m]> I just had a first look on the jnr native build in attempt to make a naive copy of dockcross from javacan), however you seem to have more stuff in make file than them, not sure how to move this. I know very little of make, him and myself are kind of "class enemies". ;-)... (full message at <>)
<ldywicki[m]> Here is an example of native libs pushed to maven central, pulling in libsigar amd64 for linux is then:... (full message at <>)
<ldywicki[m]> Anyhow, wIll check in later today and see if I can centralize first maven plugin configuration
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