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How do I check whether a java version is M1 or x86? (I'm pretty sure it's M1 btw).
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I think there's a flag to the Java command that would work but I can't think of it offhand
You want to try using the x86 version for now. I found at least one fixable problem and I know of another that will take some work for m1
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Hey just FYI I've looked every which way I could think to search and haven't found a flag that will tell me if a java is x86 or arm from the command line. I think there might not be a flag.
Try using `file` to identify the java command
I'll be on the job in a bit
ok good morning!
$ java -Xinternalversion
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (11.0.13+8-LTS) for bsd-aarch64 JRE (Zulu11.52+13-CA) (11.0.13+8-LTS), built on Oct 7 2021 08:52:57 by "zulu_re" with clang Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28)
rebelwarrior: ^
try that
like I say, M1 support on JRuby is close but not good enough for most nontrivial Ruby stuff, but x86_64 JDK should work fine
I will make full M1 support my xmas project
I'm looking at the last couple M1 failures in jnr-posix but I believe they are fcntl varargs issues
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yeah two tests for fcntl DUPFD and one for GETFD... since fcntl is varargs I'm pretty sure these are issues passing values in correctly
I will spin a release of this jnr-posix so we can start using it
jnr-posix 3.1.14 and jnr-unixsocket 0.38.15 have been released to maven central to pick up the fixed stat struct layout
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another domino falls... ostruct has been patched for JRuby (avoid aliasing caller-accessing methods like instance_eval): https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6963
headius: is there anything pertinent and within my current knowledge range that needs doing?
Perhaps! Maybe we can review failing tests/specs on master and see if there's any Ruby 3.0 features that sound approachable
Awesome, I’ll be on my dev machine in about 30 mins or maybe an hour
ok, all the test runs are on GHA so we can poke around there
they're red right now so we can see all the things left to be done
looks like I broke master's build with some keyword arg changes, just pushed an update that should get it compiling again
Ok diving in now
Never used Github Actions so this is a first for me
yeah we have a couple dozen jobs so the ones you want will be test-mri-core and spec-ruby I think
those would be running CRuby's tests and ruby/spec
Ok cool, thanks
lunch and stuff, bbiab
No worries, also I'm not seeing either of those jobs tbh
Oh is it cause of that error you introduced?
bleh... well the workflow is "JRuby CI" but the jobs are failing to build because Maven hasn't propagated my jnr updates yet
I would have thought an hour would be plenty of time but sometimes it takes longer
might be easier for you to just pull master and try to build yourself, or this will sort itself out eventually
I'm going to "re-run all jobs" there and hope it does better
the jobs you want are mri-core-* and spec-ruby-*
doesn't really matter which one, they just permute JIT settings and so on
Ok thanks
Some things have already failed
yeah looks like they're still failing, might have cached the missing maven artifact flag
I'd give it a try locally... let me know if a clean build fails for you
Will do
Bot my favourite and least favourite thing about programming is compiling, good cause I can do whatever while it runs, bad cause it could fail at any time
yeah we try to make our builds rock solid but when you depend on remote resources anything can happen
One of the reasons completely remote work probably won't be permanent
For programming anyway
Although I do like the idea of working from home
Picked a bad time to look for work, getting turned down at every turn or outright ignored. Thought I'd pick up open source to pass the time and pad the resume
Trying to help out with MRI too, but I'm rather nervous to pick an issue to fix, it feels more daunting than here
Ok forgot to fetch upstream but when I did it mvnw failed on jruby-base
Failed to find jnr-posix etc?
unixsocket and posix
Bleh. Ok maybe look for an older job on master that didn't fail to build. Not sure why those artifacts are taking so long to propagate
Ya, it's complaining that an update interval needs to elapse or that the updates are forced