dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.20.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> rockorager: we're discussing extended cursor styles in DECCSUSR (and thus also in DECRQSS). Specifically, a hollow cursor shape. ghostty also allows the user to configure a hollow cursor, right?
<dnkl> as far as I can tell, it doesn't expose it in DECSCUSR
<dnkl> We're debating how to handle this on foot
<dnkl> do you know if ghostty would be interested in extending DECSCUSR?
<rockorager> dnkl: yeah, ghostty allows configuring hollow as the default
<rockorager> And you are correct, it is not exposed in DECSCUSR
<rockorager> I think extending makes sense - hollow = 7?
<rockorager> I suppose we need a blinking hollow cursor also
<rockorager> (I hate that DECSCUSR sets blink)
<dnkl> yes, 7+8 would be the logical values I think
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<dnkl> 7=blinking hollow, 8=hollow
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<cbb> probably a good idea to check if any other terminal has mapped those values to a different style
<rockorager> Yeah, I think ghostty would support this - I'll have to open a discussion but it seems very doable
<rockorager> I don't get why anyone would want a hollow cursor on a focused window but...ok
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<rockorager> I think kitty would be on board with this too
<rockorager> Probably windows terminal based on cbb's comment?
<cbb> seems like "implement first, standardize later" is the only approach that works in the terminal world haha
<cbb> given how terminal-wg turned out
<rockorager> Heh, yeah
<rockorager> Also: always tell kovid last because he might drastically change it
<rockorager> Maybe that's opposite...tell him first in case he changes it 😂
<cbb> haha, I'd say first to be honest... his extensions have been really good in general
<rockorager> I'll make an issue in kitty for support of this
<cbb> (just to confirm the query code I mentioned in #1966 and their DECSCUSR code are using the same set)
<cbb> I'm guessing if anyone has used values 7 and 8 it'd probably be rxvt
<cbb> rockorager: awesome, it'll be interesting to see what Kovid makes of it
<rockorager> Can't imagine he would be opposed to this
<cbb> I wonder if the Windows Terminal people will take it as a green light to add all their other styles
<rockorager> What other styles do they have?
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<cbb> I guess the extra ones are just "vintage" and double underscore
<rockorager> hm, I guess they could - seems crazy to have "vintage" vs a setting to adjust the height of "underscore"
<cbb> yeah... letting applications pick from a bigger set of distinct cursors can be useful though
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<cbb> to indicate things like input modes
<cbb> in a way that can't easily be missed
<cbb> I bet dnkl wasn't expecting a 7 line patch to lead to this haha
<rockorager> haha
<rockorager> kovid responded asking about use cases - I gave a pretty common example I can think of, if you have any others feel free to add there
<dnkl> I think for acceptance, it's good enough (to be) that at least *some* other terminals implement this, and that the numbers aren't already used somewhere
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<rockorager> agree
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<cbb> there's one other option (for foot) that dodges the difficulties entirely
<cbb> foot could offer a hollow cursor as a customization specifically for the block cursor
<cbb> and treat it exactly like the block cursor as far as DECSCUSR is concerned
<cbb> somewhat like dnkl's suggestion in #1966, but explicitly at the config level
<cbb> i.e. to satisfy the original feature request without exposing it to clients
<cbb> I kind of agree with Kovid's objection tbh
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<rockorager> cbb: yeah it's valid
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<delthas> dnkl: fyi (pun intended) super old but notify-send now prints the ID immediately when you do -w (my mr got merged) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libnotify/-/merge_requests/39
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