dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.20.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<runxiyu> How do I compile fcft's example?
<runxiyu> er, me misreading the readme
<runxiyu> but it's blurry. huh
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<aljustiet> What do I do with this error:
<aljustiet> warning: foot: 'C' is not a UTF-8 locale, falling back to 'C.UTF-8'
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<rnd> this looks like you don't have any locale set in your ~/.profile file or in the systemwide /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d files
<rnd> the most basic answer: just add "export LANG=C.UTF-8" to your ~/.profile somewhere and restart your user session, that should work
<rnd> alternatively, you might want to write in a more proper locale name, like "en_US.UTF-8" for US english or some other for another language and locale
<dnkl> rnd: they left, and opened an issue instead... https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1979
<rnd> oh
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<MistakeNot> i swear there used to be a little example script for toggling between light and dark mode using theme.sh on foot's codeberg page?
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<MistakeNot> when i set a new theme with theme.sh it applies to the current terminal and all new ones, but doesn't update existing instances, i'm trying to remember the method to trigger that
<j`ey> you have to write to every pty of every foot process
<j`ey> I dont remember seeing one of those on the wiki
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<MistakeNot> found it fwiw, i swear this code snippet used to be in README.md but maybe i'm wrong https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/708#issuecomment-251787
<j`ey> hm that sends USR1 to all zsh processes? makes sense
<MistakeNot> ah that's the one thank you
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<danyal> Is there any way to have foot set the window title to the title of the running TUI app?
<danyal> For example, if I open foot and run 'nvim' could the window title be automatically set to 'Neovim' or similar?
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<danyal> dnkl: I use the --title flag for most of my app launching keybinds (some have the app's title by default). Is it possible without launching foot with the -e flag?
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<dnkl> no, that's not possible. Unless you script it and set the title through escape sequences
<dnkl> but many TUIs can do this themselves
<dnkl> pretty sure vim can, and would expect neovim to be able too
<dnkl> but not in front of a computer right now
<danyal> OK, thanks.
<danyal> It's not exactly important, but it'd be nice if I can work it out.
<danyal> As a side note, looking at my wayland compositor's config, only ncspot is setting the window title on it's own. I had to use the -T flag for the rest of them.
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<WhyNotHugo> For vim, just use :set title
<danyal> WhyNotHugo: Cool, thanks. I've added it to my init.vim (nvim).
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<WhyNotHugo> vim.opt.title = true
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<danyal> WhyNotHugo: Is that how you do it in Lua?
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<WhyNotHugo> yes, that's the lua version
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