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WhyNotHugo: both of them
it seems that short key ctrl+shift+o is conflict with tmux, but i don't find the key binding in tmux
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Onload: shortcut handling is done before anything being passed to tmux, or anything else
either you're running a very old version of foot, where the default shortcut is Ctrl+shift+i, or your xkb layout is setting more/other modifiers when you press those keys. You can check the latter with "xkbcli interactive-wayland"
neither of which makes any sense if it works without tmux, obviously
so, for non-OSC8, foot won't be able to detect them if they line wrap with a hard line break. It's possible tmux always inserts hard line breaks causing this
for OSC8, I believe you have to explicitly tell tmux to enable them? Don't use tmux myself so don't remember exactly what
or which versions of tmux are involved
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dnkl: rockorager: sorry i we've already talked about this before but i forgot. senpai (over vaxis over foot) does not properly set the terminal cursor style to its previous style on exit. is there a way to fix that? i cant remember if that was because there was no such terminal spec, or if vaxis did not implement it?
delthas: foot will reset it to the user configured form with "\E[0 q"
you can also use DECRQSS (a DCS sequence) to query the current form before you change it, and then explicitly emit that on exit
ok, then vaxis should probably send the reset on Vaxis.Suspend rockorager (?)
delthas: yeah, if it isnβt then it should be
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delthas: i am thinking we request cursor on startup and store it. then restore to the stored value (defaulting to 0, thanks go)
I don't have any easy-to-read examples in foot's sources
but look up DECRQSS in the VT manuals
Yeah I just found it
hm, just adding "_, _ =, CursorDefault))" in Vaxis.disableModes doesnt work. but a plain printf "\E[0 q\n" in my shell works
don't know if ECMA says anything. Otherwise I'd look to xterm
xterm does what alacritty and foot do
So ghostty is wrong here
Well that's one issue, but not sure why senpai is still having issues π
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is there a way to query the RGB colors of an indexed (<16) color? like know what RGB color 6 is (under the current terminal theme)
some themes have grey == black and this makes some senpai UI elements invisible so i'm wondering if i can detect that and pick another color dynamically
delthas: OSC 4
OSC 4 ; <index> ; ? ST
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cbb: there already is a note in the source code... :)
oh yeah, so there is... I should have looked first haha
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Hey all, is there a way to have foot confirm on close if a command is running? I tried looking thru the codeberg issues but search seems to be returning a few thousand results regardless of what I query