dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.20.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<Onload> WhyNotHugo: both of them
<Onload> it seems that short key ctrl+shift+o is conflict with tmux, but i don't find the key binding in tmux
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<dnkl> Onload: shortcut handling is done before anything being passed to tmux, or anything else
<dnkl> either you're running a very old version of foot, where the default shortcut is Ctrl+shift+i, or your xkb layout is setting more/other modifiers when you press those keys. You can check the latter with "xkbcli interactive-wayland"
<dnkl> neither of which makes any sense if it works without tmux, obviously
<dnkl> so, for non-OSC8, foot won't be able to detect them if they line wrap with a hard line break. It's possible tmux always inserts hard line breaks causing this
<dnkl> for OSC8, I believe you have to explicitly tell tmux to enable them? Don't use tmux myself so don't remember exactly what
<dnkl> or which versions of tmux are involved
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<Onload> dnkl: thanks, it's ok after enabling OSC8 in tmux according to https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/3660
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<delthas> dnkl: rockorager: sorry i we've already talked about this before but i forgot. senpai (over vaxis over foot) does not properly set the terminal cursor style to its previous style on exit. is there a way to fix that? i cant remember if that was because there was no such terminal spec, or if vaxis did not implement it?
<dnkl> delthas: foot will reset it to the user configured form with "\E[0 q"
<dnkl> you can also use DECRQSS (a DCS sequence) to query the current form before you change it, and then explicitly emit that on exit
<delthas> ok, then vaxis should probably send the reset on Vaxis.Suspend rockorager (?)
<rockorager> delthas: yeah, if it isn’t then it should be
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<delthas> like, we should keep Default as is and forward 0 to the terminal?
<delthas> that + also sending that on Suspend
<delthas> ok, working on a patch.
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<delthas> oh, managed to get a foot segfault :D will try to check if i can reproduce this on master
<rockorager> delthas: yeah that should probably be CursorDefault
<rockorager> I'm not sure why I chose block...
<rockorager> git blame says I intentionally did it a year ago
<rockorager> I was using a blank Ps though, CursorDefault will shove a 0 in there which is correct
<dnkl> safest thing to do is probably try a DECRQSS and fall back to hardcoded block cursor if the terminal doesn't reply
<rockorager> is the sequence for decrqss in foot-ctlseqs?
<rockorager> Oh I see it
<rockorager> DECSCUSR
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<rockorager> What are the values of <query>?
<rockorager> string literals?
<dnkl> no
<rockorager> delthas: i am thinking we request cursor on startup and store it. then restore to the stored value (defaulting to 0, thanks go)
<dnkl> I don't have any easy-to-read examples in foot's sources
<dnkl> but look up DECRQSS in the VT manuals
<rockorager> Yeah I just found it
<rockorager> Thanks
<delthas> hm, just adding "_, _ = vx.tw.WriteString(tparm(cursorStyleSet, CursorDefault))" in Vaxis.disableModes doesnt work. but a plain printf "\E[0 q\n" in my shell works
<delthas> (btw i just opened an issue for the foot segfault https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1963 )
<delthas> > term_set_app_id
<delthas> ehehe taht might actually be my fault maybe something i missed in my app id patch :P
<dnkl> ba
<dnkl> nah, my fault
<rockorager> dnkl: I get an "invalid" response to the query
<rockorager> At least per the DEC spec
<rockorager> DCS $ 1 r 2 q
<rockorager> 2 q *is* what my cursor is set to
<rockorager> but DEC says `1` is an "invalid" request
<rockorager> FWIW ghostty responds exactly the same
<dnkl> printf '\eP$q q\e\\'
<dnkl> works for me
<rockorager> what response do you get back?
<dnkl> hmm, but yeah, 1 sounds wrong
<rockorager> DCS $ 0 r ....?
<rockorager> Aside: we got this report in ghostty for improper SOS handling (and I think it's legit)...foot acts the same https://github.com/ghostty-org/ghostty/discussions/4050#discussioncomment-12230441
<rockorager> Super niche, but I think the report is correct
<dnkl> then, we also report 0 for invalid DECRQSS. Maybe different versions of the VT manual?
<dnkl> cbb: ^^ something we're missing here? Or did we simply invert the valid/invalid response codes?
<rockorager> I can't find a different source for DECRQSS/DECRPSS other than the 510 manual
<rockorager> gnome console also responds with `1`, I guess that's just what everyone does>?
<cbb> dnkl: https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#:~:text=xterm%20responds%20with%20DCS%201%20%24%20r%20Pt%20ST%20for%20valid%20requests
<cbb> xterm's docs gives the opposite meaning for the 0/1 status code
<cbb> I recall there was a typo in the DEC manuals, that later manuals just copied
<cbb> but I can't remember if it was this or something else
<cbb> "typo" as in the manual didn't correspond to the actual behavior of the terminal
<cbb> I'll see if I can find a source later
<dnkl> I do remember one such typo, but that was sixel related
<cbb> the one I'm thinking of definitely wasn't anything sixel related
<rockorager> My parsing of it just ignores the response either way haha
<rockorager> I mean, the status response
<rockorager> Either way - confusing that DEC and xterm diverge here, interested to see if this was the typo
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<dnkl> seems you were right cbb; it's a typo in the manual
<rockorager> lol that you commented in it too
<dnkl> yeah, had completely forgotten
<cbb> ah yeah, I had a feeling j4james would be the "source"
<cbb> I guess a comment in the code would be good, for the next time we all forget about it haha
<dnkl> yeah... remind me if I haven't added one within a couple of days πŸ˜…
<rockorager> dnkl: is cursor style per screen?
<dnkl> in foot it's not. Happy to change if that's wrong
<rockorager> It seems like it is :/, let me get a clear reproducer
<rockorager> I'm not sure the correct answer
<rockorager> I don't know what is right but ghostty and foot behave different
<rockorager> Ghostty has a style per screen
<rockorager> alacritty and foot don't
<dnkl> don't know if ECMA says anything. Otherwise I'd look to xterm
<rockorager> xterm does what alacritty and foot do
<rockorager> So ghostty is wrong here
<rockorager> Well that's one issue, but not sure why senpai is still having issues πŸ˜‚
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<delthas> is there a way to query the RGB colors of an indexed (<16) color? like know what RGB color 6 is (under the current terminal theme)
<delthas> some themes have grey == black and this makes some senpai UI elements invisible so i'm wondering if i can detect that and pick another color dynamically
<rockorager> delthas: OSC 4
<rockorager> OSC 4 ; <index> ; ? ST
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<dnkl> cbb: there already is a note in the source code... :)
<cbb> oh yeah, so there is... I should have looked first haha
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<d76d5> Hey all, is there a way to have foot confirm on close if a command is running? I tried looking thru the codeberg issues but search seems to be returning a few thousand results regardless of what I query
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