dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.18.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<runxiyu> the mate file manager?
<runxiyu> or are you referring to cage
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<c7s> hi, is there a way I can set a shell to change the window title to the current working directory? I assume there's some kind of escape code to do that? just wondering if anyone's done something similar in case there's unexpected problems that have already been solved
<cbb> c7s: the sequence for that is mentioned in the foot-ctlseqs(7) man page
<cbb> second item in the "OSC" section
<cbb> how to actually use it like that depends on which shell you're using
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<c7s> tyty
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<jpp> and grosminet :D
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<bent_fingers> runxiyu: my bad, i meant chafa https://github.com/hpjansson/chafa
<delthas> just a random thought, but given that vaxis is able to dynamically detect all the escape sequences supported by the terminal; we could possibly create a shell program wrapper that when invoked detects the terminal escape sequences dynamically, writes that to a temporary dynmically generated terminfo file, sets $TERM to that, then invokes the given program
<delthas> like we can call it "fixterm", and then $ fixterm myLegacyTermProgram would make myLegacyTermProgram work regardless of the current $TERM
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<rockorager> delthas: that’s a cool idea. would be really useful over ssh if you haven’t installed the terminfo locally
<rockorager> termshimfo
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<delthas> we could even make it just generate and return the path to the terminfo file so that you could just add to your bashrc export TERM=$(fixterm) and that would "just work" for any program run over ssh since that would be loaded on login
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<rockorager> It would be pretty slow to do the round trips, but you could check XTVERSION and only refresh if there isn’t a local match
<rockorager> Couldmt call it fixterm, too close to fixterms the predecessor to kitty keyboard
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