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For the '一' character, foot uses /usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSansCJK-Bold.ttc if it is bold, or /usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSerifTangut-Regular.ttf if it is non-bold.
Funny that the chosen fallback font changes depending on bold/regular.
This particular unicode point represents different characters depending on the language.
So when regular I get a chinese characteer, but when bold I get a character of some other language.
WhyNotHugo: you can blame that on fontconfig...
in this case I believe fontconfig falls back to tangut before CJK. But, tangut only has the "regular" font. So, for a bike character it continues to the next fallback font. The CJK font happens to be it
Yeah, that seems to be the case. Still trying to figure out how to tell fontconfig to always prefer cjk instead of Tangut.
I'd rather blame the unicode consortium here, for using the same codepoint for different characters in different languags. FontConfig has no way of knowing whether I'm writing Chinese of Tangul.
what's the name of the codepoint?
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what is the project goal of fyi? if it was made to be an alternative, it has to have solved a problem unsolvable in notify-send.
application feedback about $things I assume, like the xdg activation token which you only get from notify-send by using hacky debug log options
also: great name
It's U+4E00. I'm not sure how to figure out the unicode name.
If I understand correctly, this unicode block has characters that look similar in various languages, so each codepoint can correspond to any of these (and any language).
So you need additional metadata to infer a language and pick the right font.
Yes, Unicode has "Han unification" to use the same codepoint for the underlying meaning even if the glyph is different in Mandarin / Japanese / Cantonese / etc, and the renderer is expected to use out-of-band knowledge of the language to pick the correct glpyh
well that's easy when the text can contain codepoints from many languages...
It's a really funny choice considering that а and a have different codepoints but look identical.
How is it easy? AFAIK, there's no way a regular text field, or this IRC message can include such metadata.
WhyNotHugo: I was being sarcastic
I was being slow :P
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If I press shift on one foot window, then focus (by moving the mouse) another foot window, the second window reacts as if shift was not pressed.
Could this be a compositor issue?
Basically if I want to select text on a window, I move my mouse towards that window while I press shift, and sometimes shift is pressed before the mouse has crossed over to the second window.
does the second window receive wl_keyboard.modifiers?
sounds like a compositor issue, the 2nd foot window should receive a list of currently pressed keys when receiving focus