dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> urosm: not sure. We get every key press, but that only tells us the key, not its function
<dnkl> i.e. we'll see Alt was pressed, but I don't know if we can see that the *function* 'compose' is active or not
<dnkl> I would have to look through the xkb API
<dnkl> what we can get from XKB is whether we're currently composing something. I.e. if we're in the middle of a compose key sequence. I assume it will say we are as soon as the compose key has been pressed, and stay so until the final, composed character has been printed
<dnkl> it will however also "trigger" for dead key sequences
<dnkl> also not sure how we'd render this in foot, as we don't have an UI. Only thing I can think of is an alternative cursor
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<dnkl> I'm planning to do a new foot release soon. I want to wait a couple of days to see if there will be any more changes to the OSC-99 specification
<dnkl> lots of new additions to it recently
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<tsdh> Is there a way to test foot themes quickly, e.g., by somehow loading it in an existing foot window?
<j`ey> tsdh: theme.sh
<tsdh> j`ey: This one https://github.com/lemnos/theme.sh?
<j`ey> ya
<j`ey> (I wrote my own, but still does the same thing with OSC11)
<tsdh> OMG, 448 themes. How should I ever come to a decision?!
<j`ey> thats only 448 they include
<tsdh> Isn't it strange that probably half of all light themes seem to have serious glitches, e.g., for them either Color 0 or Color 15 (and sometimes some color in between) is equal to the background?
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dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.18.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
<dnkl> decided to release 1.18.0 anyway. Will do a patch release if there are any changes to OSC-99
<dnkl> so, yay 🥳
<j`ey> woo
<neurocyte> how is it that foot easily keeps up with the performance of kitty and ghostty even though it is not GPU rendered? it's pretty impressive!
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<dnkl> neurocyte: part of it is explained here: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/wiki/Performance
<j`ey> I think it's somewhat outdated, afaik alacritty does damage tracking now (but Im not sure how that plays into the actual rendering part)
<dnkl> but they still render the full frame, every time? Their damage tracking is what it reports to the compositor, right?
<j`ey> ah
<neurocyte> yeah, I've read the performance page. but I don't feel it tells the whole story. in my testing foot renders fully change frames with faster frame rates and less CPU than alacritty or ghostty and is almost exactly on par with kitty
<neurocyte> damage tracking doesn't really explain that
<dnkl> GPU's are magical. For full frames, it all depends on how many cores you have, and which GPU you have, and how they compare
<dnkl> GPU's are *not* magical
<dnkl> 😅
<dnkl> foot has one of the, of not the fastest VT parsers out there. A lot of work has been done there, very low level work (taking into account cache behavior, CPU write buffers etc)
<dnkl> then there's fcft, the font rasterizer used by foot, which is more or less designed to support foot's use case
<dnkl> but, regardless of which emulator you compare with, there will always be use cases where someone else is faster
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<neurocyte> nice! it looks like foot supports OSC 2027. you might want to mention that somewhere on the website
<dnkl> you mean private mode 2027? It's not an OSC sequence
<dnkl> it's listed in our ctlseqs man page
<neurocyte> ah, for some reason I don't have the foot-ctlseqs page on arch linux
<rockorager> neurocyte: master branch has both in-band resize and fancy underlines (the latter would be nice for flow)
<delthas> rockorager: since there were significant updates to the osc 99 spec, i suggest to keep my patch open/unmerged until i submit a new version
<delthas> on vaxis i mean
<rockorager> delthas: will do. thanks for the heads up
<rockorager> Kovid made updates to the spec?
<delthas> yeah a lot of changes
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