dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.18.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> WhyNotHugo: Consolatis: holding shift and switching window with the mouse works for me, with foot 1.18, on River
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<dnkl> works on niri too
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<WhyNotHugo> dnkl: How did you test this? Perhaps my problem is neovim itself, not foot.
<dnkl> at shell, press and hold shift, switch focus with mouse, type letters, observe them being upper case
<dnkl> fwiw, that works in neovim as well (for me)
<dnkl> though, I don't have focus-follows-mouse...
<dnkl> well, tried that too, and tested mouse selections, and that too works
<dnkl> i.e I enabled focus-follows-mouse and tried selecting text in a mouse grabbing application
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<neurocyte> any idea why Contrl+Mod1+ bindings don't work under gnome? they work fine under other DMs
<dnkl> neurocyte: likely an IME that interferes
<dnkl> we've seen examples where pressing a modifier key enables multiple modifiers in the XKB state
<dnkl> you can use "xkbcli interactive-wayland" to see which modifiers that are active, and then adjust the bindings in foot accordingly
<neurocyte> the xkbcli output looks completely normal
<neurocyte> hmm, no, wierd, under gnome Meta is also set
<dnkl> told ya
<dnkl> ;)
<neurocyte> ok, I'll add extra keybinds for gnome
<neurocyte> thanks!
<dnkl> I believe the same thing happens with Super. might be others as well
<neurocyte> kinda annoying to have to add a bunch of duplicate keybindings just because gnome is weird
<jpp> What does "Contrl+Mod1+" do?
<neurocyte> it's the prefix i use on all my foot keybindings
<dnkl> neurocyte: I still don't know if it's actually gnome, or the IME.
<jpp> Mod1+ It's a keyboard key ?
<neurocyte> yes, Mod1 is another name for Alt
<jpp> This is all I know: [key-bindings]
<jpp> show-urls-launch=Control+Shift+o
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