dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> brocellous: no, it doesn't. But should be easy to add, I should think?
<brocellous> Hopefully yeah. I'm going to need a test client launcher eventually.
<dnkl> brocellous: all it needs to do is create a token and export it in XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN in the forked process?
<brocellous> yeah
<brocellous> I haven't implemented the workspace matching for client tokens in sway yet though
<brocellous> I don't think the client launcher portion of X startup notifications are implemented in wlroots atm either
<rj1> foot is so good!
<brocellous> not sure if we want it
<dnkl> brocellous: so, no rush implementing it in fuzzel... Let me know if/when you want it implemented. Or feel free to add it yourself :)
<ericonr> Went searching to try and understand this activation thing, found https://wayland.app/protocols/
<ericonr> Pretty cool website
<brocellous> Oh yeah I'm not sure how client lanchers are supposed to get the app_id either
<brocellous> maybe the desktop file knows it?
<brocellous> also not sure if sway should care about the set app_id. proto is kinda vague about it.
<brocellous> Anyway yeah if I want to support client launchers I'll probably take a look at adding that support in fuzzel
<brocellous> seems like it doesn't do anything that just launching with swaymsg -- exec couldn't do though.
<dnkl> brocellous: yeah, there shouldn't be any magic in fuzzel. It's just a fork+exec
<dnkl> ericonr: nice with everything collected in one place!
<rumpelsepp> dnkl: thanks for including the themes!
<rj1> i love foot!
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<rumpelsepp> There was a discussion somewhere a while ago (cannot recall where) about notifications and tmux. The problem was that e.g. the terminal bell in a hidden tmux pane might not trigger a notification in foot, since the foot window might be in focus. Because of that a something-inhibit option was introduced to foot.
<rumpelsepp> I found out that tmux has support for this in the config
<rumpelsepp> set-hook -g alert-bell "display-popup -E \"echo -en '\ePtmux;\e\e]777;notify;tmux;Terminal Bell rang\a\e\\\\'\""
<rumpelsepp> It works! But after thinking about it, I found out, that the same problem according to the focus remains… Silly me.
<rumpelsepp> But using the new notification inhibit setting with the tmux setting is better than triggering notifications via foot's `command` and `command-focused` option for the bell. For instance, `less` rings the bell when the end of the file is reached. Annoying notifications might be triggered.
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<dnkl> mvdan: thanks for opening the donations issue; it's not forgotten, but having it as an issue will serve as a reminder. Good for visibility as well
<mvdan> Indeed! And better than nagging on IRC ;)
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<novakane> is it not possible to build foot without installing themes? or did I miss a build flag?
<dnkl> novakane: meson -Ddocs=disabled
<dnkl> But no, there's no option to disable themes *only*
<novakane> dnkl: allright thanks, I want the man pages so I will not do it, it's no big deal
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<armin> so when i try to double click this url here in foot to select it: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-58464745 then i get just the part behind the // - can i tell foot to include the prefix part?
<armin> well, anything behind "https:" to be precise.
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