dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<pflm> Hi! I have one question... what is the reason why are desktop notification inhibited when the terminal has focus?
<rumpelsepp> I figure you do not want your e.g. chat client spaming notifications whan it has focus.
<rumpelsepp> *when
<w0rm> the idea is - if the window has focus you are likely looking at it and additional notifications are just noisy
<pflm> My use case is actually a bit different. I have a long running task inside a tmux pane, such as a long compile. I want to be notified when it has finished while working on things on other panes.
<pflm> Err, not panes, tmux windows ...
<pflm> Would it make sense to add an option to not inhibit on focus?
<rumpelsepp> I have the same usecase… 😀 But you can ring the terminal bell and I think you can then let foot issue a notification.
<rumpelsepp> There is a tmux setting somewhere
<rumpelsepp> disadvantage: no text payload
<pflm> Curerntly I'm using "tmux display" to show a notification in tmux, but that's not really what I want.
<w0rm> pflm: command-focused foot.ini config option is not enough?
<pflm> w0rm: Is that just for the bell? The notifications do carry a title/body text attached to it, which is what I want really.
<pflm> Wait, I'll try it.
<w0rm> you can also just set up post-command handler in your shell to run a notify-send if you want and that will work regardless of focus
<w0rm> and will actually have whatever information shell has (command that was running, how long it was running for etc)
<rumpelsepp> notify-send doesn't work with SSH session. That's why the terminal notification feature is this sexy
<pflm> w0rm: That's true, but I'm working 50% of the time remotely over SSH. That's why the desktop notification over terminal might really be good for tihs.
<w0rm> well sure, but you can't really get more than "BEL was run in the terminal" over SSH unless you do weird tricks...
<pflm> w0rm: Actually you can with OSC777
<pflm> That's what I use: printf "\e]777;notify;%s;%s\a" "$title" "$*"
<pflm> I can probably add an option to foot to ignore the "inhibit on focus" behavior, but does it have any chance of being integrated into foot? If not, I think I'll just live with the tmux notifications.
<w0rm> ah, fair enough
<rumpelsepp> I would be a user of this setting, too. :)
<dnkl> pflm: w0rm: OSC777 is currently hardcoded to be ignored when we have keyboard focus. But having an option for that makes sense
<pflm> dnkl: Should I try to submit a pull-request? It might take a long time though since I don't really have much free time.
<dnkl> pflm: please do, we don't have any deadlines, so it's ok to take time :)
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<pflm> dnkl: Ok, in that case I might actually give it a try! thanks!
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<dnkl> pflm: hardest part is probably going to be figuring out what the new option should be called :D
<w0rm> pflm, dnkl: maybe just have the "urgent" be a "yes/no/always"
<dnkl> w0rm: urgent is related to BEL, while this is about OSC-777, which doesn't set the urgent state. Furthermore, "urgent" requests are typically ignored by the compositor when the window is already focused
<w0rm> ah, right
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<dnkl> ericonr: I was kind of expecting that reply... GNOME libraries, including librsvg are almost never valgrind clean. They don't seem to realize that 1000 false positives hide real bugs... but oh well.
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<dnkl> I'm going to leave that call in there, for now at least. It's the last thing we do before exiting. Asserting there is "ok"
<dnkl> though, I guess we _could_ exclude it from release builds
<ericonr> dnkl: lol, at least it isn't SDL2 :P
<ericonr> I think excluding from release builds (or based on the value of NDEBUG?) makes sense, otherwise any core dump collector will get filled up for no reason
<dnkl> Yeah, will do
<dnkl> Will also take a look at adding nanosvg as an optional SVG backend. Or maybe even replace librsvg...
<dnkl> In any case, it would allow fuzzel to render SVGs also when compiled without cairo support
<ifreund> not depending on GNOME code is usually a good choice
<ericonr> dnkl: did you read the entire issue? apparently nanosvg can't do <text> element
<ericonr> so it isn't that the icon is broken, it just triggers edge cases...
<dnkl> ifreund: that's why cairo+librsvg (and libpng, for that matter) is optional dependencies :)
<dnkl> ericonr: I did... And yeah, saw that. Nanosvg _also_ didn't render the black border around the icon
<dnkl> but that could of course be because it stops rendering when hitting the text element
<dnkl> or because the border is another unimplemented feature in nanosvg
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<ericonr> might be unimplemented, since what made teh bug appear in librsvg was that text was the last element
<dnkl> PR is up now, removing the cairo reset debug stats call in release builds, and resetting the cairo path before drawing the border
<ericonr> anyway, most talk I've seen online seems to like pixman for rendering. is the api really taht good or is it just because it's a tiny thing?
<dnkl> ericonr: it's what cairo's "image" backend uses
<dnkl> and librsvg uses cairo, so...
<dnkl> I use it extensively in all my projects
<dnkl> but it doesn't do SVGs natively
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