dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<ambasta> Font rendering seems off on foot terminal, any ideas why? https://i.imgur.com/jqqf3kv.png
<ambasta> In foot.ini, I have font set to font=NotoSans:size=12
<ambasta> I've also had to add letter-spacing=2.7 and dpiaware=yes for it to have some readabiility (without those, almost all characters overlap)
<dnkl> ambasta: noto sans doesn't sound like a monospace font?
<ambasta> Ah, works w/ NotoSansMono
<dnkl> Great! :)
<dnkl> ambasta: next version of foot will warn when it thinks the font is not monospaced. Should help avoid the confusion...
<dnkl> Actually, that change made it into 1.9.1
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<ambasta> That would be great :)
<ambasta> Also, if 1.9.1 is out, I think I should bump up my ebuild
<dnkl> ambasta: latest is 1.9.2
<w0rm> ambasta: nah, just ** keyword and use 9999 :-P
<ambasta> w0rm: wdym, its not part of portage tree, is it?
<ambasta> Ah, you mean use a gitrev ebuild
<w0rm> ambasta: yeah, I was kinda kidding, kinda not since things generally work well enough even with git master builds
<ambasta> Yeah, but I am keeping these stable ebuilds in hope of getting them added to portage tree at some point
<w0rm> ambasta: ack, would be nice ...
<w0rm> ambasta: it would be nice to have a clean pgo-enabled ebuild at some point in the future...
<w0rm> was just deala
<w0rm> bah, was just dealing with that...yesterday? I ended up hacking in ugly ways...
<ambasta> w0rm, hmm yeah, needs two stage build
<w0rm> ambasta: + additional tweaks to make sure that sandbox restrictions are not broken
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<ambasta> w0rm, is the pgo build supposed to work? Looking at meson, pgo is linking pgolib and syslibs, where pgolib itself builds from grid/selection/terminal.c
<w0rm> ambasta: it does work for me...
<ambasta> However, pgo executable doesn't link against fdm.c/render.c both of which are required by terminal.c?
<ambasta> that is odd.. I get a '/home/amitprakash/foot/foot/builddir/../terminal.c:2268: undefined reference to `fdm_init''
<ambasta> w0rm, could you provide a regular build log?
<dnkl> ambasta: make sure you're doing a release build. The line you referenced is a unit test, only included in debug builds
<ambasta> I am doing a debug build
<ambasta> That doesn't support pgo?
<dnkl> No
<ambasta> I see
<dnkl> (there's no point in pgo:ing a debug build)
<ambasta> I was so confused, I couldn't see how people were building w/ PGO when clearly function references were missing (and none of the linked deps covered it)
<dnkl> :)
<dnkl> ambasta: you'll want to enable LTO (-Db_lto=true) as well. It isn't required, but improves performance even more
<ambasta> dnkl, in which case, why does buildtype plain, trigger a debug build?
<ambasta> Yeah, that bit is enabled
<dnkl> ambasta: hmm, might be that the unit tests are enabled in non-release builds. I.e pain builds too
<dnkl> Could even be that we define _DEBUG in that case, which is even worse
<ambasta> Shouln't be though , is_debug_build = get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug') which then goes on to be used as (is_debug_build ? ['-D_DEBUG']: ....
<dnkl> Yeah, just checked. Which means I have currently no idea why a plain build would include the unit tests. If that's what you said was happening...
<w0rm> dnkl: speaking of pgo builds - https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/740
<w0rm> emersion's suggestion for my question wrt not using actual render devices during build (to avoid sandbox violations)
<dnkl> w0rm: sounds reasonable. Shouldn't have any negative effects on the foot build (wrt optimizations)
<ambasta> dnkl, oddly enough.. it is https://asciinema.org/a/0biFGEozkGDE8vK0yLlOoSQXH
<dnkl> ambasta: on my phone right now, will have to check later
<ambasta> Sure, shared for your reference
<ambasta> will try to debug on my end as well
<emersion> dnkl: may have, since the pixman renderer holds buffers for longer
<dnkl> emersion: oh yeah, right, we end up hitting the double buffering path in foot... Yes, that will make *some* difference
<dnkl> But I think the difference is minimal. We still run the rest of the renderer as usual. We'll end up optimizing the code that reapplies the previous frame's damage.
<dnkl> The only sure fire way to find out is of course to benchmark. But I wouldn't worry about it
<w0rm> even if you decide not to change/tweak - no big deal, people who would have a problem with the current state are probably few and far between
<w0rm> I only found out when I was adding pgo to my custom ebuild and hit on the violation
<dnkl> w0rm: I'll run your PR through our standard benchmarks. If it turns out to be a difference, we'll deal with it then
<w0rm> ack
<w0rm> Not sure how useful it would be - I've seen https://github.com/alacritty/vtebench being mentioned to test a bunch of aspects here and there but I am sure you've seen that already
<dnkl> w0rm: that's what I use :)
<w0rm> psst, don't tell anyone
<dnkl> One can use the "generate-random-...py" script in the scripts dir as well... :)
<ambasta> emer is here too.. do all wl project devs know each other =D
<w0rm> it's a (not-so) secret cabal apparently...
<ambasta> dnkl: Found the issue, project is configured with b_ndebug=if-release
<ambasta> That would set DNDEBUG even when buildtype is plain
<dnkl> ambasta: ah, and unit tests are enabled if NDEBUG isn't set, I assume?
<dnkl> Hmm, no? Looks like they should only be enabled when _DEBUG is defined: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/src/branch/master/macros.h#L188-L192
* dnkl should stop trying to debug on the phone
<ambasta> Yeah, verified w/ setting b_ndebug=True, that works correctly for buildtypes plain, debug and release
<ambasta> i.e. debug pulls in the macro CONSTRUCTOR from unittest, while release/plain pull in UNUSED
<dnkl> Ok, thanks, will look into that
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<w0rm> so foot is supposed to support IME however I could never get it to work... Not a huge deal since I don't currently need it but I wonder - is there some magic I am missing?
<w0rm> specifically - fcitx 5.x, firefox and bunch of other apps work as expected
<dnkl> w0rm: you need a compositor, and IME provider that both support the correct protocols
<w0rm> right, I know there were changes to the versions etc
<dnkl> Fcitx5 under sway sort of works, but no pre-edit
<w0rm> I thought the ibus was still on old version
<w0rm> so anyway - IME switching/input works in FF, Libreoffice, slack etc but not foot
<w0rm> (and I did compile with +ime to be clear)
<dnkl> Gtk apps talk to the IME over something other than Wayland protocols. But foot only supports the Wayland approach
<w0rm> aha
<dnkl> w0rm: anthywl and wlanthy are two IMEs that work. Though limited to Japanese...
<w0rm> good enough for the mystery explanation for my case...
<dnkl> Also, Sway still has no support for IME popups
<w0rm> yeah, I needed more libpinyin
<dnkl> Thus, no IME provided suggestion lists etc
<w0rm> yeah, I guess the GTK apps working was confusing
<w0rm> anyway, ty for explanation - it has been on my mind here and there
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