dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<cassii2> hi y'all, idk if anyone is here rn or anything but basically i'm trying to switch over to foot, and i use zsh with the 'powerlevel10k' theme and whenever i use that theme, i get symbols popping up before the prompt on first startup. this hasn't happened in any other terminal emulator for me so i thought i'd ask here if anyone else has had the same issue as me
<cassii2> yeah! exactly like that
<cassii2> cool alright so looking at that and seeing why the issue happened i kinda fixed it? not really? basically just changed initial-window-size-pixels to 1000x1000 and it works fine now. that setting doesn't really change the size of the window for me since i use sway so i'm not too worried about how that would affect anything else lol
<dnkl> cassii2: heh, interesting "solution". First time I hear about it :D
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<dnkl> Makes total sense though
<cassii2> ye also, thanks for being quick to respond and also making this terminal, i've been enjoying it
<dnkl> You're welcome
armin has joined #foot
<armin> okay, so would it be anyhow possible to tell foot to increase/decrease font size on ctrl-mousewheelup/mousewheeldown?
<dnkl> armin: not at the moment. Simply because wheel events aren't button events in Wayland.
<dnkl> Might still be possible to add support for it though
<dnkl> But it's something I haven't given any thought, so not sure how feasible it is
<armin> ok ty :)
<armin> dnkl: i would love to see that feature to say the least ;)
<armin> foot seems incredibly stable to me btw, i didn't manage to cause something weird over the last weeks
<dnkl> armin: I'm thinking maybe an initial variant is having it hardcoded. While I would prefer a fully configurable implementation, a hardcoded variant would still be an improvement over what we currently have
<armin> dnkl: hehe
<armin> dnkl: i just realized i want to have that, a friend of mine was visiting me and he was asking me to ask you, literally
<armin> i mean yeah ok he's a KDE user, but still
<armin> foot has quickly grown to be a full blown replacement for my primary terminal emulator, and that means something, i'd say my requirements are pretty specific
<armin> it's the primary interface i use to speak to the world (i'm hard at hearing), too
<armin> just gets the job done, no serious issues here
<dnkl> armin: happy to hear that :)
<armin> dnkl: so yeah, maybe these 2 convenience features? a) url clicking (yeah like in the good old things we're used to) b) that font size changing with the mouse wheel
<armin> (yes i know about ctrl-shift-u, obviously)
<armin> would just make it a bit more accessible without losing any of nerd functionality, or am i mistaken?
<armin> :)
<armin> i'd love that, i'm pretty sure i'll live with foot for some time, so expect weird behaviour, strange feature requests, and weird philosophy about terminal emulators from me from time to time
<armin> it's hard for me to dive through the code, i understand fragments of it, but definitely not all
<armin> but still, i'll do my best to put my thoughts into words :)
<armin> either way, i'm hard at hearing and a terminal emulator is crucial for me, it's what i'll use when i'm overwhelmed of hearing in general, and it just has to work.
<armin> foot seems to be extremely reliable to me so far. extremely reliable. and i've used many many terminal emulators.
<armin> this is obviously really good and extremely under-rated software, and i will tell anyone i consider fitting about it
<armin> means a lot to me, personally, thank you for your work
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<armin> no, really, thank you.
<armin> and it's fun to talk to people who have like-minded problems with using terminal emulators, end especially so refreshing to see they sometimes have the same problems or even answers to them.
<armin> :)
<armin> brb and ty :)
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