michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 6.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<Sean_McG> mkver: aye, so I guess it's the AltiVec DSP then, the ppc-linux-gcc-13.2-ubsan-no_altivec-qemu FATE node confirms that
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<Sean_McG> one more reason for me to learn AltiVec & VSX
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<Lynne> is this about a fate failure on ppc?
<Sean_McG> aye, avid-meridian
<Lynne> I did submit a patch for it, not sure if I merged it, I lost access to the machine back then and had to guess
<Lynne> oh? it's not a failure in swscale?
<Lynne> that's where the last 2 issues were
<Sean_McG> no, I don't think so -- the test output does not seem to point there
<Sean_McG> the test decodes to rawvideo, I wonder if this is just an LE/BE issue
<Lynne> ah, big endian ppc, swscale only runs on little endian
<Lynne> *the problematic parts did
<Sean_McG> oh? I was almost certain it had AltiVec acceleration... I don't think it has an LE variant since they were always BE back then
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<Lynne> I was careful and only removed the LE variant which had issues IIRC
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<Sean_McG> a part of me wonders if we should keep the BE AltiVec stuff around -- POWER8/9/10 default configurations are LE nowadays (although I understand they all can still do BE -- it's just the "tyranny of the default")
<Sean_McG> anyways, I'mma go play some video games
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<Lynne> github disabled the xz repo due to a tos violation
<aaabbb> and suspended the maintainers
<Lynne> I don't think someone writing offensive (as an antonym of defensive) code should cause a suspension, even in this case
<Lynne> especially because the offensive part was in the maintainer-uploaded tar releases, not the repo
<Lynne> it's their rules, but I should setup a cgit
<BtbN> Large parts of it were in the repo
<aaabbb> much of it was in the repo itself
<aaabbb> yea
<aaabbb> both were required for the exploit to fully function iirc
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<another|> Lynne: where are you getting the info that maintainer accounts are suspended?
<Lynne> I've heard nothing about that, aaabbb apparently does
<Lynne> earlier, I read that it would be a good idea to screenshot every single commit that account did because they may suspend themselves, I never thought github would be the ones doing the suspension
<aaabbb> all comes from #tukaani
<aaabbb> Lynne: apparently there is an ongoing government investigation
<another|> ah, sorry. same colour
<aaabbb> according to an update on openwal
<Lynne> openwall? I haven't read anything about a government investigation there
<aaabbb> that's just what i heard in #tukaani, someone linked to the relevant openwall discussion hours ago but i didn't open it
<mkver> elenril: The ffmpeg-attached_pics test seems to be a bit flacy/racy: https://fate.ffmpeg.org/report.cgi?time=20240330004218&slot=x86_64-archlinux-gcc-threads-8
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<cone-323> ffmpeg Sean McGovern master:f63a87629e52: fate: fix sub2video_{basic, time_limited} on big-endian targets
<cone-323> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:7d9d40069555: postproc/postprocess: Don't generally include arch-specific headers
<cone-323> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:4b44b5eaf0ad: swscale/swscale_internal: Only include altivec header iff HAVE_ALTIVEC
<cone-323> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:ac14d682777a: avcodec/h264_refs: Rewrite code to make control flow clearer
<cone-323> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:dc7a60529c27: avcodec/ratecontrol: Use forward declaration for AVExpr
<cone-323> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:348461e550f8: avcodec/h264_refs: Use smaller scope, don't use av_uninit
<cone-323> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:ba7980d9c0d1: avutil/opt: Avoid av_uninit
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<thardin> speaking of parsing and the xz backdoor, some people on lobste.rs are mentioning oil shell, which seems like a saner shell
<thardin> not sure if it guarantees not being able to sneak in commands via variables though
<Lynne> I've gotten somewhat used to using eshell in emacs
<Lynne> how would a different shell help, though? the sneaky part was in the build script, which was m4, wasn't it?
<thardin> oh, it looked like sh to me
<thardin> anyway the point is mostly the same
<thardin> compare system() to execv()
<thardin> the latter can guarantee this can't happen via suitable typing
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<nevcairiel> finding reasons in shell or m4 parsing seems pointless, when someone has access to the code to put in whatever, they'll find a way to make it look innocent enough
<thardin> TIL ${####} is valid shell syntax
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<elenril> Actual votes cast thus far: 20
<elenril> still below 50%
<thardin> pal: can HTJ2K have ROI?
<thardin> and should we complain about roi_shift != 0 for HT?
<thardin> see the latest htj2kdec patches
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<Lynne> no way it doesn't, it should have deltaq per block
<thardin> hm?
<Lynne> you need deltaq to do ROI (unless ROI stands for something other than region of interest)
<Gramner> hmm, maybe ffmpeg shouldn't be linking to liblzma
<elenril> are we?
<elenril> hmm, used by tiff
<thardin> Lynne: it's not called that in j2k parlance but yes
<thardin> question is if htj2k dropped it or not, or if it gets applied some other way that I'm not seeing
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<kurosu> ffdeflate didn't fare well, I guess ffunlzma would too
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<kurosu> (also: LZ algorithms are their own universe of complexities & algorithms, so my comment is only about decoding)
<Lynne> we've had a deflate algorithm?
<Lynne> oh, ff_deflate_init, it's just a part of zlib, though?
<Lynne> s/part/wrapper
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<j-b> TIFF can have LZMA?
<j-b> why oh why
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<Lynne> if only you knew how bad things were
<Lynne> they also do LZW, plus different ways of wrapping uncompressed, and jpeg
<Lynne> right, and DNG, and CinemaDNG
<Lynne> my second machine had the bad xz version, I did notice that it was a little bit slower to ssh into, but not significantly
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<elenril> i never notice slow ssh login thanks to dnssec
<Lynne> because it makes everything super slow?
<elenril> cold logins tend to be slow because of the validation
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<haasn> Lynne: by about 0.4ms?
<Lynne> err, dnssec or the xz malicious code?
<ePirat> elenril, how can I check if I am in the GA (so should have gotten the vote mail) or not?
<elenril> ePirat: ./tools/general_assembly.pl
<elenril> and you should have
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<elenril> did you not?
<ePirat> elenril, just found it
<ePirat> it did not match the search query I used for it because it comes from mail.de
<ePirat> while I expected it to be from ffmpeg.org
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<kierank> where is durandal
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<cone-661> ffmpeg James Almer master:f8fbec8686d4: avutil/frame: use the same data information as the source entry when cloning side data
<cone-661> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:799a7200ee60: avutil/frame: use the same data information as the source entry when cloning side data
<kurosu> Lynne: kind of remembering Mans trying to build one
<Lynne> ah, I can see why you'd want to
<Lynne> even though zlib is everywhere, it isn't a posix-level standard
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<cone-661> ffmpeg James Almer master:e37b233ee2c0: Revert "avformat/mov: ignore item boxes for animated heif"
<cone-661> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:5a3b625dbc68: Revert "avformat/mov: ignore item boxes for animated heif"
<haasn> Lynne: the xz code
<haasn> Is there any issue to depend *locally* on the sizeof() a struct AVFoo whose size is not part of the ABI? For example, struct MyPrivateCtx { struct AVFoo foo; } init() { myctx->foo = *some_external_foo; } encode_frame() { /* use myctx->foo.fields */ }}
<haasn> If the field gets extended by newer libavutil, my code will continue working, as I will simply ignore the fields I don't know about; since the struct never "leaves" myctx there is no loss of extra fields
<nevcairiel> with locally you mean outside of the library? the problem isnt you ignoring the fields, but the library trying to write to them
<haasn> with locally I mean inside a single encoder in libavcodec/
<haasn> i.e., the data never leaves the encoder again
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<BtbN> Only if the struct lives in the same library
<elenril> a potential problem is if the struct later develops some fields that it expects to be initialized in its constructor
<elenril> or, given your example, any allocated fields
<elenril> I'd avoid it unless the alternative is significantly worse
<haasn> elenril: but the code using this field could not possibly access any of the new fields
<haasn> how would it know about them if they did not exist at compile time
<haasn> this struct*
<haasn> your concern is only valid if you pass &foo to some other external API call
<haasn> but I don't, I just want to make a local cache of data that I need internally
<haasn> and in this case sizeof(AVFoo) < sizeof(void*)
<haasn> and I would really rather avoid the possibility of an OOM condition on any update
<haasn> I mean one alternative would be to just duplicate the struct definition inline
<nevcairiel> that sounds strictly worse, since it can fully diverge
<haasn> but it can't, it can only be extended
<haasn> I mean, unless you use memcpy() instead of assigning the same-name fields
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<Marth64> 13th gen i7-1360P or Ryzen 7 PRO 6850H? what would you choose?
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<elenril> haasn: I suppose in this case it's not so bad
<Sean_McG> my machines are both AMD: a Threadripper 2950X for my workstation and a Ryzen 5 5600X in my gaming rig
<jamrial> Marth64: do you care about thunderbolt docks? if so, the i7
<Sean_McG> yeah the Thunderbolt situation is lousy if you depend on it
<Marth64> no thunderbolt docking needed, all my other machines are AMD <3, I've narrowed down to 2 "Linux-certified" laptops with these CPUs.
<elenril> no avx512?
<Marth64> sorry to bring this here. have been battling this for a week now
<Marth64> i will check if they have it
<Sean_McG> I have been flip-flopping on switching my workstation to a Raptor Blackbird with a POWER9, but they are not cheap -- the motherboard & CPU combo alone would cost me close to $5K CAD. But yeah, this is severely off-topic for #ffmpeg-devel
<Marth64> upgrade season haha
<Sean_McG> I can't convince myself this isn't just an impulse buy, and an expensive one at that
<Marth64> i'm replacing a macbook m1, i love the thing but i just feel so limited
<Marth64> 80% of my time is spent remoted to my debian machine. so its a sign that mac isn't for me now
<Marth64> anyways, good day to you all. be well
<Sean_McG> you too, Marth
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<haasn> elenril: turns it out it's already being done anyway, by AVDOVIRpuDataHeader header;
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<Lynne> haasn: no, by about 0.5s
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<cone-795> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:ff215d955908: fate/image: Fix EXR tests on big endian
<mkver> michaelni: You should either retire this box: https://fate.ffmpeg.org/history.cgi?slot=sh4-debian-qemu-gcc-4.7 or add -Dstatic_assert=_Static_assert to its cflags.
<jamrial> even the old "successful" runs were failures, but for some reason fate shows it as green
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<mkver> Wait, it looks like you already have retired it; the website has just not dropped it yet. Nevermind then.
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<mkver> jamrial: The successful runs were successful; ffmpeg relies on threads nowadays, therefore most test aren't run, but those that are run succeeded.
<jamrial> mkver: if you look at the logs, it says it failed
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<michaelni> mkver, yes its supposed to not run anymore
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<andrewrk> is it better to use av_buffersink_get_samples() when the user might want to consume only part of an AVFrame, or for the user to possibly keep a partially consumed AVFrame around themselves?
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint master:2df2b4067ed0: avfilter/buffersrc: fix overriding unknown channel layouts with negotiated one
<andrewrk> looks like AV_BUFFERSINK_FLAG_PEEK addresses this use case
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/7.0:7ed9ad3467e1: avfilter/buffersrc: fix overriding unknown channel layouts with negotiated one
<andrewrk> hi michaelni. it's been almost a decade since I was involved in ffmpeg! happy to see you're still around, and that libav project has joined forces
<kierank> andrewrk: happy to see you found fame and hopefully fortune with Zig
<andrewrk> hi kierank!
<kierank> I remember you trying to RE DTS-HD
<andrewrk> well, if you define "fortune" as "enough money to work on it full time comfortably" then, yes I have found my fortune :)
<andrewrk> hmm I don't remember doing anything with DTS-HD
<andrewrk> my ffmpeg-adjacent projects are a (currently bitrotted) music player and a (not very far along) digital audio workstation
<andrewrk> been rewriting the music player in zig for starters
<andrewrk> well I also maintain a fork of ffmpeg with the build system ported to zig, which is handy
<kierank> I thought you tried to reverse engineer a codec at one point
<Sean_McG> there are far too many build systems
<Sean_McG> as much as I hate GNU autotools, I generally stick to it as "the devil I know versus the devil I don't"
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<andrewrk> as tempting as it is, I won't derail the topic with a discussion about build systems, although you are welcome to start such a conversation in #zig of course
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<Sean_McG> was not my intention, I was just blowing off steam :)
<andrewrk> kierank: I'm afraid I have never been as valuable a contributor as that to ffmpeg
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.1:88127b743f33: avfilter/af_channelmap: fix error message if FL source channel was missing
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.1:0deb010ae7ee: avfilter/af_channelmap: fix mapping if in_channel was a string but out_channel was not specified
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.1:8d1e092b245f: avfilter/af_channelmap: disallow channel index 64
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.1:aa5e6017a58e: avfilter/buffersrc: fix overriding unknown channel layouts with negotiated one
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<compn> no one singing the herald of pkg-config i see
<Sean_McG> thank $DEITY
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<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.0:ea2dcb9b3918: avfilter/af_channelmap: fix error message if FL source channel was missing
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.0:1ad767bf2749: avfilter/af_channelmap: fix mapping if in_channel was a string but out_channel was not specified
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.0:fc8775ae9661: avfilter/af_channelmap: disallow channel index 64
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/6.0:aae59be4001a: avfilter/buffersrc: fix overriding unknown channel layouts with negotiated one
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/5.1:66430bf110b2: avfilter/af_channelmap: fix error message if FL source channel was missing
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/5.1:59dccea6ef8f: avfilter/af_channelmap: fix mapping if in_channel was a string but out_channel was not specified
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/5.1:19c3f055b2e2: avfilter/af_channelmap: disallow channel index 64
<cone-795> ffmpeg Marton Balint release/5.1:defa085fc88d: avfilter/buffersrc: fix overriding unknown channel layouts with negotiated one
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<Lynne> thardin: bash/m4 deobfuscation and reverse engineering https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/30/43
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