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<psykose> it does index the whole project, but you need compile_commands set in some way
<psykose> unless you meant something else
<Marth64> fate web server is working in docker container using lighttpd/cgi with the legacy code (on my local machine). now i will move on to the ssh part for result submission
<Marth64> i wil put it on github in little bit
<Marth64> of course Marth64 is taken on github lol
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<Lynne> psykose: meson even generates it by default
<psykose> it does yes
<psykose> but in ffmpeg i think nothing does
<psykose> cmake also makes it with an env var
<michaelni> baptiste fixed (rebooted) fate.ffmpeg.org. IIUC the problem was due to some maintaince
<Lynne> but getting from A to B is still not exactly possible, even with meson
<Lynne> because it's not like clangd knows which build dir you used
<jdek> psykose: bear -- make -j180 works fine
<psykose> ah right bear
<psykose> of course :)
<jdek> think it just loads some library to intercept the calls to compiler
<jdek> Lynne: apparently https://github.com/Sarcasm/compdb can do something to extract headers
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<Lynne> jdek: --compile-commands-dir=./build also does
<Lynne> but even with compile commands, clangd *still* doesn't scan headers
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<Marth64> https://github.com/Marth64x/docker-fate-web i'll incubate this here for now in case its needed some day
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<Lynne> "why haven't you used our sample app to test your implementation?!?"
<Lynne> "I, having written thousands of lines of x86 SIMD assembly, sadly, simply lack the ability to understand heavily abstracted C++ code to fix it enough to make it build"
<Lynne> well, it's a way of avoiding how the sample app in question is the worst sample app in history at being an example
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<Sean_McG> yay, FATE is back
* Sean_McG starts his nodes back up
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<Marth64> elenril: re- dvd subtitle colors. I think I'm starting to agree there is no point in making rgb vs. yuv an option
<Marth64> it's not a lossless conversion but i also can't think of any muxer that wants it in yuv
<Marth64> maybe force it RGB, log the original YUV in debug and move on
<Marth64> is what I'm considering
<Marth64> or better yet put it in a metadata tag so archivists can have it
<kasper93> why introduce implicit conversions if we can avoid them?
<mkver> kasper93: Because everyone else expects them in RGB (e.g. the vobsub subtitle format expects RGB).
<Marth64> i am just thinking from user friendliness level. someone might try to keep the palette as YUV in say, a Matroska file, and realize it doesn't work later. certainly open to opinions. as it stands in current patch, the conversion is explicit but nobody benefits from it unfortunately
<Marth64> no muxer benefits from YUV* to be exact. like mkver said
<Marth64> the loss here for the samples I've tested is to me visually lossless, going from one perceptively ugly shade of yellow to the same ugly shade
<jamrial> wbs: your clang git head fate machines found a lot of issues
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<Sean_McG> how likely are they just compiler issues?
<jamrial> they are
<jamrial> those machines use clang git head to find compiler issues
<Sean_McG> fair enough :)
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<Sean_McG> looks like some of lavc/h264* made it sick to its stomach
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<wbs> jamrial: yes, I've found the faulty commit in llvm and reverted it, tomorrow should be green again hopefully
<BBB> using ffmpeg to find bugs in clang... from a layman's point of view, that's quite crazy, but I guess it makes sense
<BBB> fortunately I don't have to bisect clang so I'll just keep standing on the sidelines
<Sean_McG> amen to that
<wbs> it's one of the best codebases for triggering optimizer issues
<BBB> do we have gcc experimental fate machines also?
<wbs> not that I know of
<BBB> I think it makes sense for someone (like you) who's somewhat aware of the development ongoings in clang as well as ffmpeg
<wbs> would be kinda simple to set up, but for it to make sense, someone also would need to monitor it diligently and be able to fix (i.e. bisect, notify/revert) upstream quickly
<wbs> I don't know what policy GCC has with that. with llvm it's simple - anything broke somewhere, push a revert
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<wbs> if the policy is "don't revert but spend a week discussing what the right fix is", it'd be worse
<wbs> this time, the bug affected most archs (it was a bug in some vectorizer facility), on aarch64 it triggered failed asserts on build - really easy to notice, you know your build failed. for x86 it built fine but did the wrong thing at runtime; that's one order of magnitude more annoying to sort out. but luckily it was the same issue
<wbs> and by doing this continuously, any git snapshot (modulo today or other days with breakage) should be fine wrt ffmpeg
<BBB> I guess uato-vec is relevant for most non-optimized codecs, like koda's 100 different lossless variations etc.
<BBB> *auto-vec
<BBB> actually it's probably relevant everywhere but depends on what type of auto-vec
<BBB> doing this for gcc is one of these "would be nice to have" but "probaly impossible to find a qualified volunteer for"
<BBB> I agree it's very valuable to have this for clang, provides clear value for both projects
<wbs> yep. fwiw, I do cover dav1d with nightly clang as well, that shows issues much more seldom as it's a much smaller codebase
<wbs> but I have found a couple issues there as well
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<jamrial> <@BBB> do we have gcc experimental fate machines also? <- every now and then i compile gcc head and run fate
<BBB> *mind blown*
<BBB> that's super cool
<Sean_McG> 110%
<BBB> btw I know wbs has given a talk at vdd in the past on toolchain development. this sort of stuff would be cool to cover, in terms of "here's a clang bug we found one day"
<BBB> or that sort of stuff
<BBB> it's nerd-cool
<BBB> I read somewhere someday that msvc devteam uses ffmpeg internally as one of their internal tests nowadays
<BBB> (I guess it's a stress-test)
<BBB> can't easily find it right now, sadly
<frankplow> FFmpeg is also the quintessential “hairy” (read: difficult to fuzz) application in some fuzzer documentation
<Traneptora> what makes it difficult to fuzz?
<BtbN> I'd guess that your input needs to be rather non-random to work at all
<frankplow> I think large sections of the codebase requiring very particular inputs
<BtbN> 99.99999% of randomized input would likely lead to a very early and unspectacular quit out due to "I got no idea what to do with this"
<BtbN> or it'd just decode it as mp3
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<frankplow> I think what they mean particularly by "hairy" though, is you have very separate parts of the codebase, which are hard to go between with the typical transformations they apply to the input
<frankplow> I think it applies to multimedia in general, I remember reading some analysis reckoning it was very improbable the libwebp zero day last summer was discovered through fuzzing
<Lynne> decoders are best fuzzed using the API, not by invoking ffmpeg.c
<jamrial> that's what the fuzzers in tools/ do
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<another|> of
<Marth64> there is a bug in scte closed captions decoding somewhere
<Marth64> (unhlpeful statement, i know). i'll try to track it down next week
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<Marth64> How to do the PATCH 0 / "meta" patch thing to have a summary what changed before the actual patches? (so I don't clutter the cummit messages.)
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<Marth64> e.g. [PATCH 0/3] i changed xyz blablabla thanks
<Marth64> nvm think i got it
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<mkver> Marth64: Actually, comments about a patch are best put between the --- delimiting the commit message and the diffstat.
<mkver> The cover letter would then only contain comments that apply to multiple patches.
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<Marth64> mkver: got it ... will stick to that regimen next time
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<BBB> I do remember the webp zeroday explanation and statements re: fuzzing
<BBB> that's a fun research area if there ever was one
<BBB> h264forge comes to mind
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<BBB> so nya.social is like the new twitter?
<microchip_> only for animu fags
<elenril> kindly take 4chan language back where it came from
<iive> is it a mastodon instance?
<Lynne> no, misskey
<Sean_McG> I'm hungry, but I don't know what for
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<compn> Sean_McG, hungry for cowbell
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<Sean_McG> I thought Christopher Walken had a addiction, and the only cure was more cowbell
<compn> yes that would be the correct quote
<compn> which i hav misremembered
<compn> bitrot crc32 mismatch
<Lynne> seriously?
<Lynne> where? a filesystem warning?
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