dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<davidlt> Oh, there is Mock 5.0 that now default to boostrap :) Epic.
<neil> :D
<neil> davidlt: a question came up in fedora infra yesterday about scoping for risc-v builder hardware. do you have any thought on how many builder nodes we might need? Obviously, performance is the big factor here, and I suspect we'll need to do some benchmarking to get more accurate numbers
<davidlt> neil, maybe I should join those :) In general we don't have the right hardware yet. Even if we get the hardware upstream support for it will be a problem.
<neil> probably a good idea. according to mattdm they're "phenomenally expensive."
<neil> based on his description, it sounds like he's looking at P550A stuff
<davidlt> Basically we could only look at SOPHON SG2042 based things, those will come with 2S configuration and BMC.
<neil> oh, that's the Milk-V one
<neil> nice
<davidlt> I don't have hopes on Horse Creek anymore, it's so late now.
* neil takes a big sigh
<neil> alas
<davidlt> Nah, MilkV is doing a desktop like system, but there will be many others going for server systems.
<neil> gotcha
<neil> oh right that's a SOC lol
<davidlt> RISCV Summit in China is later this month, I bet we might hear about new stuff too :)
<neil> https://matrix.to/#/#admin:fedoraproject.org -- if you're on the Matrix, is where that convo was happening
<davidlt> neil, joined.
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