dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<rwmjones> davidlt not around?
* rwmjones will wait ..
<rwmjones> looks like the matrix bridge might be down
davidlt has joined #fedora-riscv
<davidlt> I am around.
<rwmjones> oh hello
<davidlt> Libera.Chat officially stopped their Matrix bridge.
<davidlt> I assume Fedora/RH folks would use a new bridge.
<davidlt> So the Matrix and IRC worlds are separate right now.
<davidlt> Well, my IRC messages get to Matrix, but not what I write in Matrix lands in IRC :/
<rwmjones> apparently it's a temporary downtime (although they plan to remove the bridge unfortunately)
<rwmjones> I need to sort out my matrix client again
<davidlt> I see there is nothing on IRC logs from Aug 1st :)
<rwmjones> did you see my PM?
<davidlt> On Matrix?
<rwmjones> on IRC
<davidlt> Ah
<rwmjones> just a min ago
<davidlt> Sorry, I am not using my IRC client often these days.
<rwmjones> I need to somewhere/somehow find a text client that can do IRC, matrix & slack
<davidlt> That would be nice.
<davidlt> So v6.5-RC4 also doesn't boot on Unmatched.
<davidlt> Let's try enabling more debug stuff and wait & see
<davidlt> Seems not to work :/
<rwmjones> people seem to have settled on weechat with the wee-slack plugin (and weechat-matrix plugin for matrix)
<davidlt> Oh, so it's now public, that "Fedora 40 is CentOS Stream 10".
<davidlt> Well, it forks from ~Fedora 40.
<davidlt> So, I have another two suspects that could cause the kernel not to boot.
<davidlt> Plus there are a few kernel patches that might help too.
<davidlt> So RC3 was at least producing kernel panic.
<davidlt> That was PCIe MSI IRQ code.
<davidlt> So let's disable CONFIG_IRQ_STACKS for now.
<davidlt> Let's see if we can figure it out before RC5 arrives.
<davidlt> Well, I can do two kernel. I should start another in 2-3 hours or so.
<davidlt> It's so nice to see Intel doing RISCV work on GCC and the kernel side.
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<davidlt> I tried enabling CONFIG_EXPERT and that requires quite some work on kernel-ark side :/
<davidlt> in reality this makes very little changes to config, but I have to fill that into kernel-ark, which is a bunch of manual work
<sorear> if people want catircservices.org for here that could probably be arranged
<davidlt> and I found a problem in kernel-ark
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