I never played with RISCV at all but I'm curious to know how good Go works on it so I was thinking in running some builds here and there while I work
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Yes, this one. StarFive Tech. VisionFive V2.
Uh, ah, maybe you are one of Go package maintainer on Fedora?
alexsaezm: I am looking for someone to finish up and polish everything for Golang ecosystem on Fedora/RISCV.
IRC channels seems quite silent.
I answered you in the go sig when you wrote :)
Huh, I don't see it.
Not really. I might have disconnected from IRC at that time. I only got response from gotmax23 IIRC.
and yes, I'm one of golang maintainers in Fedora and RHEL
I also pinged Robert-André Mauchin, but so far didn't get any response.
Well, in that case I need you! 😸
Can't really commit any time to this but I'm interested in RISCV from the 0 experience :)
Okay, we need you 😼
But I'll do my best :P
Well, basically everything works. Most of the true problems were solved back in aarch64 days.
And we have been building Fedora/RISCV since 2016.
We typically fall short of about ~2000 packages from upstream Fedora Koji instance. There is always something like 600-1000 that in general no longer build, and some that never actually built.
Correct me if I'm wrong (still didn't read two books I have open on my desk about RISCV lol) but... is there an standard RISCV target architecture? or each system is slightly different?
But we have a few unfinished things in Java and Golang side.
do you have a list?
So what we support right now is RV64GC ISA + LP64D ABI.
Which is basically just ratified RVA20 RISCV Profile.
thanks, I was gonna ask for something like that :D
There are about ~130 ratified extensions, and another ~50 extensions incoming (ISA stuff).
There are a bunch of non-ISA specification also incoming.
There will be top-level spec, called Platforms.
That means at some point we will target a Platform.
That incl. non-ISA bits, like how we talk to the firmware, runtime, bootloaders, IOMMUs, etc.
How PCIe stuff works, and various other things.
RVA23 is new "major" profile. RVA22 is a "minor" one, kinda a stop gap.
Most vendors (especially going for the high-perf market) are most likely shooting for RVA23. That's way it's a major profile instead of a minor one.
oh I see Jeff Law in it... this is going to be fun
I am still working on Fedora 38 image, so you can directly upgrade to Koji repos to match Fedora 38.
So the problem is that future Fedora RISCV is not Fedora from today.
That's mostly because Platforms will most likely require RVA23.
No enterprise system will be working on RVA20 (expect if you are Alibaba T-HEAD).
The problem is that majority of users (even developers) will not be able to afford RVA23 hardware.
All our userbase (incl. developers) will be on RVA20 for some years to come.
right, because it's like a "server" target based
Ok, so you want to target RVA20 so more people can use it on daily basics
Yeah, it's like early AArch64 days. Getting APM Mustang was really hard, you had to be in a line basically. It was 3000 USD initially too.
RVA23 will be compatible with RV20?
RVA20 sorry
My suggestion was that "riscv64" continues to be "rva20", and we introduce "rva23" as a separate arch. Different repositories.
Yeah, you can run RVA20 binaries on RVA23 hardware.
But it's not x86_64 v2/3/4 situation.
You will loose a lot more performance.
Significantly more.
x86_64 baseline is very old, but it also is very modern compared to "rv64gc".
So running a RVA20 binary on a RVA23 is slower?
So RVA23 is just bring a bunch of missing ISA (and non-ISA) features.
You are wasting that expensive silicon basically.
oh ok, because you are not using the whole thing
got it, I thought it was some kind of weird situation where it under performs in comparison to a proper RVA20
No, even just adding bit manip extensions already significantly improves performance.
The existing (and few future RVA profile) are all about closing the gaps with x86_64 and aarch64 land.
honestly, didn't know RISCV was that on top of their stuff :D this sounds great
We have bare bones with RV64GC / RVA20 Profile, but we don't have all the basics in for modern compute.
There is significant modentum now, large companies, HPC/Enterprise grade silicon, tons of money, etc.
It's a time we can now settle on some standards.
Yeah, I started to get interested recently since FOSDEM, had really interesting conversations with some folks about it
a lot of people around me are starting to talk :D
Yeah, I have been listening to folks. It seems most of the questions are still the same ones from 2016, 17, 18 era.
It feels we need to "go back" and do more presentation/talking about it.
that would be nice :D
so, to the issue
which packages are failing
what can I start doing? :)
please tell me the compiler works ::D
It all works, but there is probable <10% of packages that are still missing.
That's because of bootstrap nightmare (cyclic dependencies).
Some packages are not multi arch even if Go can (Delve being the first one coming to mind)
It would cost me significant amount of time to just focus on this.
That's fine. Not every package builds for all arches.
I guess I know which next arch I'm gonna try to port Delve to when I'm done with my current PR... sigh
golang-x-tools, this is going to be fun
gopls (language server) depends on golang-honnef-tools and golang-x-vuln. Removing gopls solves that problems, but there are more cyclic deps.
The next dependency between x-tools and x-text is bit more complicated as that goes into internals IIRC.
Basically in a bootstrap scenario the goal is to cut cyclinc deps, remove features, hack the code until it builds, and slowly bring it up towards a full featured build.
Like removing gopls solves some problem, and gopls isn't used as a dependency in other packages.
But I never finished the whole thing.
Thus I need someone to figure out how to do it (and actually do it).
and make sure everything else in Golang related just works. What doesn't work create tickets for porting, and ExcludeArch (or/and disable specific features).
it sounds exiting and like a lot of work :) so, two things, first I need to ask my manager if I can put some cycles on it on weekly basis, second, I need to know how to start playing with this :D
I think we don't even have podman, which is kinda bad.
if I don't get it the permission, it's going to be just my best effort :D so I'm in in any case
rwmjones: could you somehow help with above ^^
how can I build "a lab"? qemu? get a board?
The boards we support (and use in the build farm) you cannot get. Those are not sold for the last 1+ year now.
We will support VisionFive V2 relateively soonish.
QEMU/libvirt is what works.
See the link I posted on setup.
There will be something better as I am preparing Fedora 38.
got it, I'll try to follow those instructions and get a qemu that works
hope it doesn't give me a hard time like aarch64 or ppc64le qemu...
There is a small problem that is not documented. You most likely will want to use QEMU 8.0.0, and set it to use Sv39.
that information goes to my trello board like right now :D
Basically: Support for setting the virtual address width (ie, sv39/sv48/sv57) on the command line.
QEMU defaults to Sv57 or Sv48, but things like V8/Node, Golang, etc. aren't ready to support anything above Sv39.
Basically they hackish way to handle pointer tagging gets broken.
Also kernel v6.3 should have a command line option too.
If you want to use Golang you need to restrict your system to Sv39.
All the existing hardware is only Sv39.
There are some that are coming out with Sv48 now (not yet available to buy).
Thus on the existing (and near future harware) you are not gonna see that problem.
But QEMU default virt machine enables way more extensions and other features.
Understood. I'll build a lab :) I'll bother you soon :) (for now, I need to work on other stuff, but I'll try to have time for this)
thank you very much for all the explanations, they were WAY better than me looking for info out there
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I am here most of the time to answer the questions.
Time to unpack a brand new NVMe and try to prep initial Fedora 38 image.
It still uses old kernel, OpenSBI, U-Boot (because I know they work).
If all looks goods on the userspace it I will handle those next.
I wonder what will happen sooner. Starship flying or Fedora 38 booting.
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morning davidlt[m]
quite a lot of text there, any tl;dr?
Not really, general information about RISCV, RV64GC, Profiles, etc.
ok, I did read a bit about that earlier
alexsaezm: is interested in helping out on Golang side, and I suggested to talk to you (as he is from Red Hat too).
btw we are trying to get funding for me to go to devconf.cz
looks about 80% likely
rwmjones: there is also a discussion on Fedora mailing-list, you might want look at it and join in
I just upgrade my PC to F38
on fedora-devel?
Yeah, it also touched topics you will not like :)
clang-16 doesn't like -mcpu option anymore, I have to change it to -mtune
* rwmjones
wonders what "vendor lock" is
> clang-16: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-mcpu=tremont'
So RPM packages have Vendor: entry
eg. Fedora Project
DNF supports "vendor lock". So if you have multiple repositories, multiple ABC.rpm in those with different vendor in the header you can lock it.
-mcpu=native also not working, but -mtune=native works
Basically if you flip vendor lock, DNF will not replace the package with some other vendor pacakge.
ok, is it relevant to risc-v in some way? we seem to only have one repository at the moment
DNF: allow_vendor_change
> If disabled dnf will stick to vendor when upgrading or downgrading rpms. Default is True
It's relevant for vendor repositories (i.e. 3rd party ones).
For example, SiFive, Ventana, Rivos, etc. might want to ship their own toolchain or something like that.
Or some optimized packages.
All those GCC RPMs would have a different vendor.
If you have allow_vendor_change == False when you can install a vendor package, change configuration and DNF will not consider a newer NVR from a different repo.
wouldn't we want people to be able to use those?
Basically saying that: I want this package from this specific vendor.
I would like to have that option, on some packages I tried, if rebuilt with a specific CFLAGS for the running CPU, the performance will be boosted by 10% - 20%.
It already exist, it's just default is True, not False.
I think, Conan Kudo , would also like that go be False by default.
Oh man, shouldn't you be sleeping?
someone propose it for F39
Eighth_Doctor: you gonna work on RISC-V now you're at Red Hat ..?
rwmjones: lol, I'm in _sales_, what do you think?
So vendor lock is one discussion, not the primary one.
RVA20/22/23/.. and riscv64 is the main thing here.
the DNF team wants someone to propose a change to switch the behavior
I discussed with them last year about having the behavior flipped for RHEL, because there's tons of good reasons for it
but they said they'd only consider it if it's flipped in Fedora first
If there are tons of good reason, why not write what change proposal?
Because I don't know all of them (most likely).
I'm still unclear what this flag does
does it stop you from installing RPMs from the other vendor repo?
it tells libsolv to check upgrade candidates to see if they have a matching "Vendor" tag
if they don't, by default it won't let you upgrade to it unless you specifically force it
also is the flag actually 'allow_vendor_change' ?
Installed packages are lock to a particular vendor (based on RPM headers).
It's in DNF documentation.
so that's set to True for me (the default)
which seems bad, maybe, it might be better for it to be False
unless there are "bad vendors" out there
Yeah, by default False is a safer option in my opinion.
seems like True is going to be a cause of confusion
whether they're good or bad doesn't matter, the idea is that whatever the user initially chose is locked into
it seems to violate the principal of least surprise
two places already switch it to False: Fedora Asahi and CentOS Hyperscale
Well, it's probably too late to discuss the flag name as it's in DNF since 2021 :)
the flag name came from zypper, so...
which got it from libsolv
the name of the flag is very, very, very old
Yeah, OpenSUSE folks support locking/pinning vendor.
sorry, got a meeting, biab, I'll read the rest of that thread
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