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<davidlt[m]> somlo: congratulations! Finally ;)
<davidlt[m]> New GCC 13 build is landing today.
<davidlt[m]> I will probably take Sunday slow and enjoy LLVM, GHC, etc. stuff.
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<davidlt[m]> New GCC landed.
<PrathamPatel[m]> <davidlt[m]> "New GCC 13 build is landing..." <- Someone in the Rocky Linux Mattermost already tried building GCC 13 (albeit on x86 QEMU) and it failed 125 hour later. I'd be _very_ cautious.
<davidlt[m]> We have 1 or 2 Rocky Linux folks here.
<PrathamPatel[m]> Oh, codedude is here :) (he is the one i was talking about)
<davidlt[m]> These <disto>-riscv channels are bit fun. There are folks from Debian, Ubuntu, and some other distribtions here too.
<davidlt[m]> I am also on other distro channels too.
<davidlt[m]> It's all kinda a bit mixed.
<davidlt[m]> We all work on the same stuff, just package it slightly different and have different policies :)
<PrathamPatel[m]> That's nice, one distro maintainer's work can be easily picked up and tacked by another distro's maintainer
<PrathamPatel[m]> *tackled by
<davidlt[m]> Exactly.
<PrathamPatel[m]> Is there anyone building a Fedora image for the VF2? I hope the person working on it isn't annoyed since it might have been asked several times by now 😅
<davidlt[m]> There are folks hacking it, but the final (well, the official "Fedora/RISCV" one) will come from me.
<davidlt[m]> We are in a constant talk with StarFive Tech, but I am not ready yet to pull in the patches and produce the working image.
<davidlt[m]> Things are improving constantly, but still needs a bit of reviewing.
<davidlt[m]> I most likely will not produce an image until all relevant (for something minimal) get approved and have stable DT compatible strings.
<PrathamPatel[m]> I assume the package in Fedora (even RISCV) are "strictly upstream", but I suppose kernels could be waived off this restriction, no? Especially for a "new" board and one whose vendor is actually sending patches upstream...
<davidlt[m]> There are a couple of patchsets that are blocking upstream to boot.
<davidlt[m]> Well, it's the 1st time StarFive Tech is doing upstream work. They are also learning about the process.
<PrathamPatel[m]> I just realised that once you support a board, people expect you to keep supporting them in the future too. Lol, my bad
<davidlt[m]> Hacking it would be relatively easy, but I don't want to invest time into that. I prefer to wait for some stability to have some minimal.
<PrathamPatel[m]> Gotcha
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, and having stable DT is an important part for that.
<davidlt[m]> Especially if you boot with firmware from SPI-NOR flash that has DTB built-in.
<davidlt[m]> And there are no drivers to update SPI-NOR flash right now.
<davidlt[m]> Those are coming, but there are more important bits.
<PrathamPatel[m]> davidlt[m]: Only UART for now
<davidlt[m]> 6.4 kernel will most likely boot, so the wait is just a few weeks.
<davidlt[m]> Also I might wait for temperature sensor driver to land too. These boards need active cooling for sustained loads.
<PrathamPatel[m]> How will you and other distros handle updating board firmware, if a stable interface is provided? I assume everyone packages and even compiles u-boot with different config. Some may go the "generic distro" route using u-boot's method while some may go with adding EFI support.
<davidlt[m]> You can use flashcp, or just directly dd new image to SPI-NOR flash.
<davidlt[m]> But not all boards will come with SPI-NOR Flash. TH1520 from SIpeed doesn't have that. The firmware will only live on microSD card IIRC.
<PrathamPatel[m]> davidlt[m]: Someone in RVSpace forums mentioned that the XU4 heatsink+fan works on this so I bought that and plugged in. Currently doing a `make all j4` on the vendor's kernel. All cores are at 40C.
<davidlt[m]> There are pads left so you could solder on one.
<PrathamPatel[m]> [Older screenshot, but still valid I guess](https://blog.thefossguy.com/static/images/visionfive_2_review_btop_screenshot.png)
<davidlt[m]> Yes, that works. Someone shared a picture on this channel too.
<PrathamPatel[m]> davidlt[m]: ah, okay
<PrathamPatel[m]> What are other RISCV martix rooms I could join?
<davidlt[m]> Not sure about Matrix. We also just recently switched to Fedora RISCV-V proper Matrix channels, but continue to use IRC bridge. Most folks are here connected via IRC.
<PrathamPatel[m]> I'm new to IRC in general but I guess martix allows joining IRC channels?
<davidlt[m]> Via a bridge yes.
<PrathamPatel[m]> oh okay
<davidlt[m]> So that will depend on IRC server. Libera.Chat has a bridge.
<PrathamPatel[m]> hmm, I'll look into that, thanks
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