dustymabe, travier[m]: pulling the latest quay image from 3.11 now works! 🎉
travier[m]: instead of re-applying the tag fixes, let's just wait until dustymabe has rebuilt all the versions and we can stop rebuilding internally altogether
i really want to rip all of the arch specific stuff out of cosa (i.e. qemu specific args) we really should be relying on a library for that stuff
dustymabe: I don't agree but it's not my codebase :-)
bgilbert: :)
it's hard to compare the current setup to the road not traveled, since we haven't traveled it
to me it just doesn't make sense.. I feel like the (lib)virt stack already has all of that "if thisarch do this else if thatarch do that" in there
assuming that libvirt does everything we need
we have very specific requirements, now and in the future
if you log into a machine on any platform and have a disk image you can just `virt-ls -a disk.qcow2 -m /dev/sda4 /` on pretty much any of them
probably the way to resolve this is for someone to do a test port
see whether we can port over all of the kola features, etc.
that stack does proper detection it seems.. i.e. "oh, we're on p8, use these args to qemu. we're on p9, use these instead"
dustymabe: I probably saw the same errors in the P9 on Beaker, I guessing it is related to P9
vs P8
We will need to see what makes sense for P9 now
misuto: ahh ok, neat. we won't be releasing an async FCOS release for this, but you can temporarily `override replace <bodhi-url>`, or better yet move your build process to a container :)
dustymabe: stamped
jlebon: Cool, I did not know that it had that functionality. Which container do you recommend for building, and can it run rootless on podman?
misuto: we use COSA
but you can build your own.. pretty much any container with `rpm-ostree` installed
dustymabe: Nice, I will have to try that. I looked at using the tooling for coreos to build silverblue, but it did not seem to work at the time.
misuto: yes, it'll work in rootless --privileged container
dustymabe: +1 for the kernel check
ravanelli: can you share with me what uname -r shows when you execute it on the old 3.11 cluster?
dustymabe: 3.10.0-1062.el7.ppc64le
jlebon: Nice, ill try to migrate to a contaner based build system. Thank you for the help!
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