jlebon: the day where we push multi-arch cosa images to quay has come!
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dustymabe: woohoo, sweet!
jlebon: got to pass code review first.. but as part of that we should discuss a few things (when you're ready)
dustymabe: sounds good
here or video?
jlebon: here works
jlebon: first - syncing from registry.ci - we'll disable that now, correct?
dustymabe: yeah, we should stage the PR for that so it's ready to merge
jlebon: do you know how - could you stage that PR and link me to it?
dustymabe: yup, can do that
hmm, we'll want the opposite actually; syncing from quay to registry.ci
or rather.. should we just use an image stream in the various clusters that consume?
a few things are pointing there now. but it would be less confusing long-term if we don't have it in both places
and the image stream points at quay.io directly?
we can migrate what we know about, then tweak it to drop at least the :latest tag build and that'll shake out anything else still using it
you're talking about the pipeline imagestream?
yeah, basically any openshift that is consuming the cosa image - stop pointing them at registry.ci, and just point the image streams at quay.io instead
* dustymabe
yup, exactly
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saqali_: for https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1268 is there anything in the logs that lead us towards the problem? relevant error messages and such? Armed with that information we should be able to open a BZ
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dustymabe: After running a vimdiff between a successful run and todays failed run, I wasn't able to find anything that stood out
saqali: i wonder if we're not getting all the logs
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if that looks good I'll test it and squash it into another commit
dustymabe: added some comments :)
jlebon: i've got some questions :)
do I just use shwrapCapture right there in `node{}` to pick up the commit? Will I be in the correct directory at that time? Also what if the job got triggered manually? what does `checkout()` do in that case?
dustymabe: yes, shwrapCapture should work there. by default the checkout is directly in the workspace and not a subdir IIRC. if triggered manually, it'll still checkout the repo and I *think* just default to `main`, but better to check how we were triggered
grep for triggered_by_push()
we can lift that to utils.groovy
see build-mechanical for how that's used
hmm - ok - so if we weren't triggered by push then checkout() will just checkout the main branch?
is there any way to tell it what branch to checkout? i.e. user supplied param?
or I guess we could fall back to `git ls-remote` in the case that triggered_by_push() is false?
i added a comment in the PR
we're doing a shallow checkout though
so that `git checkout` probably won't work
oh fair. so we can `git fetch --depth=1` before the checkout