jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<jaeger> wow... the perl script I wrote to rip CDs like 18 years ago still works with minor modification to CDDB_get.pm
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<darfo> nice. i've been playing with musicbrainz.org and acousitid.org API for the same thing lately.
<darfo> erm...acoustid.org
<jaeger> This is the first time I've wanted to rip a CD in quite a while, I was surprised how little I had to change
<darfo> i just looked CDDB on wikipedia. Been around since 1993!
<darfo> just like un*x good tools don't need to change
<jaeger> yeah :)
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<leah2> recently i ripped a dvd the first time in my life :D luckily dd was good enough for my purposes
<leah2> but i also wanted to burn a cd one day, and wondered if i can find my old scripts for that
<leah2> that also generate a printable label of tracks etc :D
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<farkuhar> on the subject of optical media, I recently tried an old DVD-R (burned using k3b almost 20 years ago, with no copy-protection), which my external drive would happily mount as UFS, but which mpv refused to play. Mounting it manually and then running `mpv dvd:// --dvd-device=/mnt` was the eventual workaround.
<SiFuh> I thought that is the way you are suppose to do it. Hmm
<farkuhar> on a different machine with an internal DVD drive, mpv played the same disc just fine. It just shows that software developers are ultimately at the mercy of the feature set built into the hardware their programs have to run on.
<farkuhar> The invocation `mpv dvd://` by default tries the dvd-device /dev/sr0, not a mountpoint. The /dev/sr0 path worked with an internal drive, but not with an external drive.
<SiFuh> I miss using my tape drive
<SiFuh> But I'd rather buy a new Stetson than a tape drive
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<jaeger> You can probably fit a few tapes into a Stetson :D
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<farkuhar> optical drives are also known to silently ignore (or throw errors when receiving) instructions they lack the hardware to perform: https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/a/25625
<SiFuh> jaeger: Yeah, I surely could
<SiFuh> Not cheap these days though :-(
<farkuhar> in the case of mpv mentioned above, playing a DVD by device node rather than mountpoint worked fine when libdvdcss was involved in accessing the disc, but for a disc with no copy protection my external drive refused to access the contents using only libdvdnav.
<jaeger> I've always had to mount the disc before playing a DVD, encrypted or no... but maybe I've just never had the right combination of drive/software to do it without
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I have never tried playing disks from device nodes and i have never figured out why.
<SiFuh> They didn't seem to work, so I always mounted
<farkuhar> SiFuh: hmm, maybe I'll have to start mounting each disc in the future. It wasn't until this most recent attempt with a 20-year-old DVD-R that I noticed mpv fail to load the device node directly; other discs have played just fine.
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<stenur> MusicBrainz often has not the info that CDDB ha[ds]. I really wonder, since they get money from Microsoft and such. I removed the local full CDDB clone that i had. The GNU people kept one, but i decided not to reinstantiate CDDB info query for s-cdda-to-db
<stenur> I mean, why not, Sony co-created CD-TEXT, but nonetheless i have quite a few Sony CDs without it (and my mother has even more)
<stenur> But a pity it is.
<stenur> Also it sucked that MusicBrainz suddely started to fail to support TLS, once i implemented it it worked fine.
<stenur> And then, the only query that really makes sense for any software that comes from CDDB did support only XML, all others (i tested) already worked with JSON. But so it was.
<SiFuh> Most music these days require no brains
<stenur> So true.
<stenur> And if it were that only. For example in 1993 Helga and i (both ;) bought a Chillout CD with "Tonwelle Druck", and only many years later i recognized it was the wonderful Klaus Schulze Alias Wahnfried with the song Druck from the Album Tonwelle (chimewave, soundwave). And "Druck" is not only "pressure" but also the German word for the action of injecting a dose of Heroine into your venes.
<stenur> He did it for us all!
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