jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: icu: 69.1 -> 71.1
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: qt5: 5.15.4 -> 5.15.5
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: qtwebengine: rebuild and don't use system icu
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<angel1427> Hi guys, I installed crux, but I don't have an internet connection.
<angel1427> I compiled the kernel correctly with everything needed
<angel1427> .literally none ethernet interfaces
<SiFuh> What is your network adapter?
<SiFuh> Is it module or built in to the kernel?
<angel1427> built in
<SiFuh> Well then, you have a problem
<angel1427> why
<SiFuh> What is the network adapter
<SiFuh> Because if it is built in it should be detected straight away with no issues
<angel1427> I think it's Realtek RTL8111E
<SiFuh> What did you enable in the kernel for this?
<angel1427> why my connection work on gentoo with this kernel configuration?
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<SiFuh> Not sure, this is CRUX not gentoo.
<angel142796> lmao
<SiFuh> Did you install the linux-firmware ?
<SiFuh> It is under opt
<angel142796> 💀
<angel142796> I forgot
<stenur> yeah just failed to boot spare laptop because i built-in iwlwifi-Qu-c0-jf-b0-73.ucode ("newest") but kernel said cannot deal with -59..-66!
<stenur> s/cannot/can only/
<stenur> 'hate how linux deals with firmware
<stenur> ..but hey!!! Am i happy that exists.
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<SiFuh> emerge -av net-misc/r8168
<SiFuh> So in Gentoo it looks like it isn't in the kernel. It appears to be installed separately
<angel142796> oh
<SiFuh> And I also don't see a port for it in CRUX.
<SiFuh> I have a port for rtl8812au and rtl8814au-dkms
<SiFuh> But they are for wireless and not for the rtl8111e
<SiFuh> Looks like gentoo uses the source from here https://github.com/mtorromeo/r8168
<SiFuh> You could make your own port and install it, or just build it direct. Myself, I prefer to build it as a port
<angel142796> yeah
<angel142796> crux is still in development? I don't see new releases
<farkuhar> angel142796: you get a better sense of how active our maintainers are by visiting https://crux.nu/gitweb
<farkuhar> tldr, yes, crux is still actively developed.
<SiFuh> Yeah farkuhar is right tools/webtools.git got update just recently about 6 years ago.
<SiFuh> Hahahaha just kidding
<angel142796> lmao
<SiFuh> Nah, it is actually very active. Sometimes we can't keep up.
<angel142796> is normal for any team
<SiFuh> There are some that do the ports for core, opt, contrib, xorg and they seem to devote their entire free time on updating
<angel142796> incredible
<SiFuh> I think it takes a toll on their life
<SiFuh> But I am not them, so I can only think it does
<SiFuh> I update my stuff around each month. No way have I the time to do it daily
<angel142796> maybe they don't work
<SiFuh> They work and some study at Uni
<angel142796> maybe a big passion with crux
<SiFuh> Or it became an institution
<angel142796> yeah
<SiFuh> Maybe it is the same as those who get addicted to soap operas :-)
<farkuhar> I think by treating port maintenance the way some people treat journaling or meditation, it just becomes a routine part of their day.
<SiFuh> Like soap operas ?
<angel142796> xdd
<SiFuh> I have 7 days free so I will probably be updating my stuff this week sometime
<angel142796> and i will remove openbsd from my main machine and install crux
<SiFuh> Why?
<SiFuh> That is so wrong
<angel142796> openbsd has been giving me a headache for a while
<SiFuh> os[OpenBSD 7.1 - ] up[ 15 hours, 08 minutes] cpu[, MHz ( bogomips)] mem[ 0/ MB (0%)] video[ at 3840x1080 (32 bits)]
<SiFuh> Hahaha got to love the ancient IRSSI perl scripts :-)
<angel142796> with high temperatures, idk why
<SiFuh> Fan control
<angel142796> but only on openbsd, on any linux distro it works really well
<SiFuh> Well downstairs I have a Beelink mini PC box connected to the TV. Today was the last straw. I decided to replace it but the MORFINE S500 I want is out of stock. I found an old pile crap PC laying around that I installed OpenBSD and it was so damned slow I replaced it with void linux.
<angel142796> wow, linux void mirrors are incredibly slow for me
<SiFuh> I wasn't going to install CRUX on it because it would take decades to compile the ports. But so far it is running fine with void linux. Test it for a week and then I will move it downstairs.
<SiFuh> This is strictly for TV. It just needs a browser, MPV, VLC and SMPLAYER and nothing else. :-)
<farkuhar> SiFuh: never gave any consideration to distcc or pkg-get?
<angel142796> torrent haha
<SiFuh> No, I can do torrent upstairs
<SiFuh> angel142796: I run a distiller about 3 weeks out of a month. It takes a massive chunk out of my life. It is dangerous to leave it unattended as well. So I have a limited use machine connected to the TV for entertainment only.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I don't know what any of those are
<farkuhar> they let you use a more powerful machine to build the CRUX ports for your old pile crap PC.
<SiFuh> Besides the TV box has one job, I don't need to constantly update or build it.
<farkuhar> Of course, a binary distribution makes perfect sense in that case.
<SiFuh> I'd have preferred it have been OpenBSD
<farkuhar> But if you really want to run CRUX on older hardware, distcc and pkg-get are the two recommended ways to do so.
<SiFuh> I like the sndiod - audio/MIDI server in OpenBSD to be honest
<SiFuh> I know we have a few 'retarded renditions' of it in CRUX.
<farkuhar> sndio must impose a huge patching workload on the OpenBSD packagers, in order to make upstream source code work with their audio infrastructure.
<SiFuh> Not sure, never looked into it. If that is the case, more respect the team
<farkuhar> I tried looking at what it would take to patch wf-recorder so that it would use a soundcard exposed over sndiod, but I never got very far.
<SiFuh> Ahh I see
<SiFuh> angel142796: I had to build an rtl8192eu and rtl8814au driver for that TV box today. Wasn't supported by void linux without downloading the source and compiling it by the way.
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: You guys and your fancy shit. Hahaha wf-recorder. I didn't know what that was either until I duckduckgo'ed it
<farkuhar> Meanwhile mpv decided to drop its support for sndio sometime around version 0.33, so if you wanted to keep using sndio as an audio backend, you had to lock mpv at its previous version or keep a copy of a sndio-enablement patch, which you apply to the upstream mpv source before building.
<angel142796> SiFuh really?
<angel142796> weird
<SiFuh> angel142796: Yes weird. I fully expected the rtl8192eu to work as it does with everything
<angel142796> wayland is a nice thing but this doesnt very well for my usual use
<SiFuh> Yeah I could use wayland. It was useless
<SiFuh> couldn't*
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yeah I see, I just took a look at the patches for mpv.
<jaeger> angel142796: what does 'lspci' say your network interface is?
<jaeger> Did you have a network interface while booted into the install media?
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<angel142796> in install media i have
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<arkho> hi all
<arkho> I'm trying to install a port, and I'm getting an error. Is this the place to ask about that?
<SiFuh> No, you should send that to the place with all the errors ;-)
<SiFuh> Yes this is the place
<arkho> :)
<SiFuh> Put your error in a dpaste or something similar send the link and someone will help you
<arkho> Errrr
<SiFuh> Or a photo
<arkho> Not sure I can do any of that... I'm in a text-only environment
<SiFuh> WHat port?
<arkho> procmail
<SiFuh> What is the error?
<arkho> Signature mismatch
<arkho> I think I might have the key in the wrong place but I can't seem to find any info on where to put those
<SiFuh> procmail from deepthought's repo?
<arkho> Yes, sorry, I should have said :P
<SiFuh> okay no signatur mismatch here
<arkho> I put the .pub in '/usr/ports'; is that correct?
<SiFuh> Have you saved his deepthought.pub to /etc/ports/ ?
<SiFuh> Heh /etc/ports/
<arkho> That, yes; I'm terribly sorry, I really should be more specific
<SiFuh> /etc/ports/ NOT /usr/ports
<arkho> ... Apparently I also need to get better at reading. :-)
<arkho> That fixed it. Thank you!
<SiFuh> Good
<SiFuh> Night!
<arkho> o/
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