[ crux-ports-core-arm64 ] gcc: update to 12.0.3
beerman: I have started with libdrm and you have removed exynos, omap, tegra and vmwgfx support... all of them are ARM specific devices. Radeon, intel and nouveau are probably oriented to x86 arch
is that expected? I mean, do you want to add support for those x86 specific drivers?
i have looked at what arch arm does with this port, and to me it looks like exynos omap tegra vmwgfx is all arm 32 stuff
no idea
let me confirm, but at least exynos I'm pretty sure is 32/64 bits
omap is quite old, so probably you are right (I lost track of its development)
and vmwgfx I believe is related to virtualization, I suppose it must be for both arches too
and tegra from nvidia, is strange that they keep it only for 32b when there are some aarch64 SOC overthere
all of them have aarch64 developmet
intel, amdgpu, radeon are developed for aarch64 too?
do we really need support for them? it can be added without problems I believe, but if they won't be used, we'll need to spend more compilation time
tegra was dead before it hit the market, proof me wrong. I had a tegra tablet and it sucked arse
i have no idea about amdgpu and radeon really
i have seen jeff geerling (that youtuber that does a lot of arm stuff) run an nvidia card or so on a raspberry pi 4?
no idea if its feasible, i just changed it and saw what it brings me
mac mini m2 256gb/8gb 546€.....
I think tegra is still used on some embedded ones (not only tablets)
ouch, these poor customers :p
but quite frankly, i avoid nvidia at all costs nowadays
about nvidia, they have released their private driver for aarch64 (really awesome btw)
we use them profressionally but yeah
and those radeon/amdgpu I thought they were relsted directly with x86, but my last research was some time ago
let's see your build with all that support enhancement
its not much that changed, maybe the libdrm flags arch uses suck? Mesa was mostly restructering the meson options to match what we use in official xorg repo to make it easier to compare
i can take away the draft bit if you want
i haven't been able to run a proper wayland session anyhow, the new kernel doesn't change anything for me
i think 6.1 is borked and i need to compile an older kernel
5.x.y worked i think
i'll see if i can start a compile job for that to be able to check it later after work
I remember to do a research over other distros... and finished readibg libdrm/mesa sources to understand a bit what I've been doing with specific targets, focused on ARM. This is why I ended doing a clean up for this architecture, as most distros added support for drivers which won't be used never. I'm still not sure if they were built to allow other software get support from them, but IMHO it was a
waste of time and resources
and probably you remember that we used on a first stage omap and exynos, as they werw the only devices supported by us. Then we added some more as users requested and wengot newer devices too
Yeah it's too long ago
lot of changes since then (vulkan and wayland are good examples)
Hasn't Wayland been in already?
I remember it was but on an early stage (something like beta... but may be I'm wrong)
it worked for a while for me
please keep panfrost in mesa and tegra is switch which has a linux scene and the vmwgfx one i use on vmware