jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
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<beerman> no worries, i'll get the sd card after work, mount it with a card reader, and fix that config.txt
<jaeger> rpi5 sounds pretty good on paper, will have to check it out :)
<beerman> There is an announcement?
<beerman> Oh wow, and it won't take long to arrive. Now that's cool
<beerman> And a m2 hat, oh wow :D
<jaeger> I preordered one, should be fun
<jaeger> Still no PoE without a hat, though
<beerman> haha, oh well, can't have everything right? :D
<beerman> i guess i will do the same
<beerman> once i am home and have recovered my broken config.txt for my pi4 :P
<jaeger> One thing at a time
<beerman> right
<beerman> first things first: sed -i 's/6.5.2/6.5.3/' qt6*/Pkgfile
<beerman> sigh, this takes a while
<beerman> even on the 5800x this is one sucks :D
<beerman> https://dpaste.org/DLNEe ok, now i can take care of the pi :D
<beerman> forgot i moved the bootloader part onto the ssd as well... damn
<beerman> and its back :)
<beerman> cool, seems like my weird resolution was only due to config.txt being borked as well
<beerman> ok, stuff seems to work just fine
<beerman> pitillo so, changes to libdrm were wished as well as mesa? I'll look into it in a bit
<beerman> pitillo i think you want to use squash commit to merge the pr for libdrm, otherwise there really will be two commits :) squash will make it a single commit iirc
<pitillo> beerman: I did a merge I helieve...
<pitillo> Ive been reading about the rpi5... someone will put an external rtx ? xD
<pitillo> how much is it? I saw good prices in dollars, probably near the double price for europe...
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-xorg-arm64 ]: libdrm: update .signature
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<beerman> i expect something like 90€ for the 8gb version?
<pitillo> yeah, plus shipping probably... around 100€
<pitillo> not sure if passive cooling will be enought more if it's oriented to build sources...
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-xorg-arm64 ]: mesa: 23.1.7 -> 23.1.8 (#1)
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<beerman> they recommend the attached cooler gadget it seems
<beerman> its 8€ so thats not bad, but yeah, it eats moar powa as well
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-xorg-arm64 ]: mesa: update .signature
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<jaeger> I paid a about $110 for my preorder, which includes the 8GB model, a new power supply, a fan, and shipping
<jaeger> shipping and tax is ~$19 of that
<beerman> sounds reasonable
<beerman> i didn't find any preorder source, just a "get notified" source and that cured me of ordering today :D
<jaeger> heh
<pitillo> jaajajaja
<pitillo> I'm still thinking in put more money for an m2... but still waiting
<pitillo> for the rpi4 there were some cases which acted as a passive heatsink, may be in a near future apprears one for the rpi5 too, but it's 27w which isn't easy to manage really, but not impossible neither
<pitillo> I'll check prices here in spain... just out of curiosity, but looking at that price, probably it won't be less that 130e
<beerman> i first need to do the CRUX pinephone image, really :D
<pitillo> time to rest here... that shouldn't be hard, just time consuming (ypu have a new kernel so it must work fine... the worse part, UI and gsm)
<beerman> ui = sway, not that hard, gsm might be harder
<beerman> good night! i'll try to orient myself towards the pillows too