jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
<beerman> yeah true :) stop giving me reasons
<beerman> so far it looks like opt/qtwebengine might build without an overlay again on aarch64 :) [21084/23772]
<beerman> qt6-base fails for some reason
<pitillo> jaeger: xD
<pitillo> r0ni: which pine64 do you have? ( I dont remember, sorry) Here I have the A64 and I can't bump the kernel, no way to boot a newer one
<r0ni> i have pinebook pro
<r0ni> https://xff.cz/kernels/ i use kernels this guy in the pine64 scene patches up and makes
<pitillo> thanks r0ni I'll take a look to check if he has an updated one for the A64+
<pitillo> seems that he hasn't for this device
<r0ni> ya i'm not seeing one either
<r0ni> what cpu that one ship?
<r0ni> cortex a53, so the same as pbp (minus the other a72 cores)
<pitillo> yes
<r0ni> https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=293 not sure if this guy still doing kernels but 3.x series is a bit old
<r0ni> oh wow nothing been touched in 6 years
<pitillo> yeah, I have running the last one provided by longsleep
<pitillo> I've tried to build mainline supposed to be fine... but no way to boot it
<r0ni> booting all these devices leaves much to be desired
<r0ni> ahh i see it's one of those that boots from sd
<r0ni> that seems to be how many do it on pbp as well, tho i've installed tow-boot on my SPI and it boots right up, but I dunno if u-boot itself supports that device
<pitillo> it's a bit messy the boot stage on these devices IMHO
<pitillo> I was more fluent some years ago with uboot... now it makes me cry sometimes when I need to put hands on it
<beerman> there there 🫂
<r0ni> the online docs appear to be exceptionally well done
<r0ni> i've never directly used it myself, even my M1 which uses u-boot, they distrib a build and i have to build everything else... the entire boot process mystifies me still
<beerman> i remember installing tow-boot on the pinephone and never had to fiddle with it any more since I never came around to build my own rootfs for it yet
<r0ni> and of course, cu apple, it's as convoluted as it can be
<beerman> https://tow-boot.org/ that was a pleasent experience that i can remember
<r0ni> ya tow-boot has done me well
<r0ni> it works and I'll never F with it again, cuz there was a time when it didn't boot a damn thing
<beerman> :D
<r0ni> it almost got thrown out a window ;)
<beerman> expensive rocks to throw, but I know the urge :D
<r0ni> i cursed myself for just not buying the macbook i wanted but was too cheap to buy lmao
<beerman> lol
<beerman> i dunno, i do like what pine is putting on the table, i want to build that rootfs out of principles really
<beerman> i am not expecting the best performance with it
<r0ni> overall i'm happy with the pbp, i didn't expect greatness, and i'm perfectly happy with sway and a terminal
<r0ni> tho firefox gets to be too much too fast
<r0ni> i bought surf but haven't tried it out yet
<r0ni> built*
<beerman> yeah, same here, i am not sure if i would port all the gsm related stuff for the pp.. if you can get a network connection via sim that would suffice for me
<r0ni> not as if webkit offers good performance
<beerman> try qutebrowser, but it depends on qtwebengine -> their flavor of chromium
<beerman> but that works sufficiently fast for me, neat ui
<beerman> vim keys, the way the world is supposed to be
<beerman> i want qutebrowser on the pi4, then i can ditch firefox and the ungoogled chromium flatpak
<beerman> firefox i have built from contrib which worked flawlessly just takes 10h or so, ungoogled-chromium i haven't even dared to try
<r0ni> ya i do built ff from contrib for it normally (on the m1 of course)
<r0ni> and its fine for one or two tabs... but thats not how I roll
<beerman> i dunno, can't say performance wise, i always run more myself and it's not snappy but it works
<beerman> sway as well, pipewire like usual
<r0ni> on the pbp xfce even performs well, everything does until i open FF
<r0ni> the mem hog it is, i expect that
<r0ni> i'll use links if i can get away with it
<beerman> pitillo https://tow-boot.org/devices/pine64-pineA64.html isn't that your device? at least you can get a more decent bootloader? ;)
<pitillo> beerman: checking
<pitillo> yeah, that's my device
<beerman> that pi is fighting hard with qtwebengine :D still going strong though
<r0ni> i've been debating on just offering the standard optimized arm64 builds rather than pine64 opt ones... any thoughts on that idea? if anyone needed to grab something, what would you rather have?
<r0ni> in the end, i haven't seen any performance diff in my uses, seems a waste of effort maybe
<r0ni> gorsh, so much python for qute
<r0ni> i'll let it build while i get ready for slep time
<beerman> personally i probably won't use it ever (the prebuilt packages), but i'd rather see generic arm64 optimized builds, might be more useful that way
<r0ni> ya thats kinda been my thinking
<r0ni> if its something to save time or sanity (like rust or gcc) a standard opt would be more useful for a passer-by to come across (even tho the current ones are fine) you never know what can creep up
<r0ni> that and xz compression instead of gz, for my sanity
<r0ni> huh failed building already
<beerman> ?
<r0ni> ahh always python
<r0ni> qutebrowser ;)
<beerman> i haven't dumped all of my overlay into opt-arm64 yet
<beerman> i need time to get to that
<r0ni> pyqt6, its just a footprint fail
<beerman> oh
<r0ni> they like naming lib files with the arch in em
<beerman> depending on what you have installed when and how you will need to rebuild some of it anyway... pyqt is weird
<beerman> oh well
<beerman> qutebrowser still works with qt5-webengine, but qt5-webengine is oooooold
<r0ni> ya i generally stay away from qt things, all because i think kde is ugly, so naturally its libs must be ugly as well
<r0ni> this is me rationalizing my choices
<beerman> i am unsure about how right you are with that. in general, I have no problems with the software that uses qt over here
<beerman> qt5 is a hackfest by now
<beerman> qt6 is where the music is at
<beerman> i dislike gnome/gtk for the developers making all the choices without leaving much of anything to the user
<r0ni> hyprland uses qt6 for wayland screensharing, i don't recall if i ever tested that stuff on crux
<beerman> screensharing works just fine for me (tm)
<beerman> provided you use pipewire etc
<beerman> you will need to install xdg-desktop-portals and some implementation of it e.g. xdg-desktop-portal-wlr, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk or so
<r0ni> ya not sure the hackfest i've got going on my VMs
<beerman> firefox worked the last time i tried it, a self compiled chromium works fine
<r0ni> oh ya hyprland has it's own xdg portal, which i've yet to update to latest
<beerman> i use teams pwa on chromium at work and barely anyone noticed i switched to linux
<beerman> so, voice calling, webcam, screen sharing... no problems
<r0ni> nice
<beerman> if you need to share a screen with audio you will need to use a patchbay (e.g. helvum) and connect the virtual wires yourself, it comes with crackling sound in my case so its not perfectly fine there, but I never really need to share my audio anyway
<r0ni> i don't generally need to share a screen, but ppl complain when those things don't work, so i try and make sure they at least do
<r0ni> ahh the build has made it to qt6-base, where it's sure to eventually fail
<r0ni> yep that was fast
<r0ni> ok, well imma let qt6 build and go and take me a nap, hopefully my hackjob lets it finish
<r0ni> cheers!
<beerman> nite
<beerman> i'll try and take a look at qt soon
<beerman> it fails for me as well
<beerman> now its starting to eat swap :D stay strong little fella
<ukky> beerman: btw, I'm using standalone MS-Teams application instead of Chromium/Firefox application in CRUX. Audio/Video/Sharing all work well
<beerman> ukky didn't they discontinue the standalone electron client?
<beerman> for me, blurring your background works on the webcam feed
<ukky> yes, they did, but it can be recovered from webarchive, and works without any issue
<ukky> blurring background probably does not work in standalone app
<beerman> i rather stay with an up2date version myself
<r0ni> beerman: qt6-base ended up building just fine
<r0ni> misc issues iwth python footprints tho, i'll do PRs when i've time
<r0ni> its building something else huge now, i assume webengine so hopefully when i get home from work, it'll have finished
<r0ni> oh wait, i forgot i had to remove a conf option in qt6 for it to build
<r0ni> QT_FEATURE_no_direct_extern_access has to be off
<beerman> r0ni: had to do the same here, it's already on to building the next thing
<beerman> I'll check why this is in the at all, i don't remember