jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
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<beerman> i am seeing signature mismatches with glibc-2.36-7.patch
<r0ni> dim44 i have a very recent arm64 rootfs here https://rekt.lngn.net/crux-arm/ built with their official tools
<r0ni> its not rpi specific though, but base arm64.
<dim44> r0ni: thanks, I can look around if I need some help with configuration.
<r0ni> tbh none of them are configured, they just optimized, come with no kernel built either
crux-arm-bot has joined #crux-arm
<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-core-arm64 ] glibc: update glibc-2.36-7.patch
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<pitillo> beerman: can you test again please?
<pitillo> dim44: I pwrsonally don't recomend to cross... any of those resources are fine to use, but as always, you have the option to go to the cross build adventure too
<dim44> pitillo: Eh, it'd be nice to build the packages on a more powerfull system than the raspi. Plus I think it's a very good learning experience.
<pitillo> dim44: as a learning experience, no doubt. About cross vs native, no colour (check cross binaries and you'll understand). Currently there are many powerful ARM devices (M1 is the best example and experience here)
<pitillo> qFeel free to take anything and learn. This project was born from that perspective and continues to be so today.
<beerman> pitillo seems to be fixed now, thanks
<jaeger> My rpi4 install is pretty outdated, lots of updates to do
<pitillo> beerman: thx!
<pitillo> jaeger: the official one probably is more outdated
<jaeger> Perhaps :)
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<jaeger> Hrmm, still have one naked rpi3 for which I should print a case
<jaeger> If it would be useful I can upload rpi4-optimized packages after building them
<jaeger> And rpi3, I suppose