jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<green_> Maybe it's too early for me.. but I'm scratching my head over something that should be obvious. I have a list, alist, of 1000 unique integers. However, after I (sort alist #'<), alist only has 468 items in it. Why is that?
<green_> Interestingly, the same code with clisp works as expected.
<scymtym> do you get the sorted list from the variable alist or from the return value of the sort call?
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<ixelp> UNTITLED - Pastebin Service
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<green_> Oh.. https://paste.centos.org/view/6a1fbb24 suggests that the return value of sort is correct (1000 items), but alist is hopelessly destroyed
<ixelp> UNTITLED - Pastebin Service
<scymtym> ok, the function sort cannot change the value of the variable alist. sort "destructively" rearranges the list and returns the cons that is the new start of the list. the variable alist still point to the same cons as before which might now be somewhere in the middle of the list
<green_> I understand this now. Thank you!
<scymtym> sure. this behavior is surprising, of course, since other destructive sequence functions are generally called fnoowhen foo is the non-destructive variant
<scymtym> nfoo, i mean
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<srji> \o/
<jackdaniel> \o\
<jackdaniel> /o/
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<srji> |o|
<srji> this is a tie figther
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<mi6x3m> friends if I have a macro parameter a list (a b c), how can I get the length before returning the body?
<mi6x3m> (and pass the length into the body)
<mi6x3m> gensym and then setf to (length <stuff>) ?
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<ebrasca> mi6x3m: do you like it to be done at runtime?
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<jackdaniel> `(let ((,gen
<jackdaniel> `(let ((,gen ,(length x))) ...)
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<slyrus> Greetings lispers. It's been a minute :)
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<poopiedookie> slyrus: Greetings.
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<Krystof> slyrus: long time
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<slyrus> Hey Krystof! Indeed. My lisp-fu is quite rusty, sad to say.
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<slyrus> I feel like a crazy old man talking about punchcards and reel-to-reel tapes when I suggest to the kids at work that they try lisp and emacs :(
<slyrus> It's all vscode and python, I'm afraid.
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<slyrus> Does anyone still use emacs/slime and, perhaps more importantly, does anyone offer any consulting services to help organizations get up to speed running emacs/slime/sbcl?
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<varjag> we used an online video tutorial iirc
<varjag> tho not sure what exactly it covered, sly or slime
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<random-nick> by "Does anyone still use emacs/slime" do you mean in the CL community or in the general programming community? in the CL community it's the most popular setup afaik
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<slyrus> yeah, I meant here :) so you're telling me the kool kids aren't all using sly or neovim or lem or some such?
<slyrus> I'd love to have a clean, modern-ish emacs setup that leaves behind all of my decades of cruft but has, e.g. working slime, tab-completion, clhs lookup, my keybindings (guess I can't leave it _all_ behind) :), etc...
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<tux0r> sly is not notably better than slime
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<tux0r> neovim is awful (modal editing should be a valid punishment IMO)
<tux0r> and lem is "emacs, but just not emacs", so why not just use emacs?
<Krystof> slyrus: regarding consultancy, I don't know but I would suggest asking stylewarning for his experience at whatever his outfit is now
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