jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<screwlisp> Live live live!
<screwlisp> With sacha
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<screwlisp> That was really great, thank you to everyone who popped in as well! Sorry about my extreme favouratism for readying yduJ's lisp history from the MOO room ;p https://archives.anonradio.net/202412040000_screwtape.mp3 and emacsconf is https://emacsconf.org this weekend
<screwlisp> Imagine I wrote with proper spelling
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<tux0r> hm.. wrote an asdf system, put it in ~/quicklisp/local-projects, but i still can't load it ("does not designate any package"). if lisp had a remotely as awesome project management as rust, everyone would probably like it notably more :|
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<tux0r> ah.. forgot the defpackage
<tux0r> being old sucks
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<JuanDaugherty> rocks
<JuanDaugherty> if ur not rotten
<tux0r> i feel rotten
<tux0r> wasted a whole day on this now
<tux0r> only to find out that THIS was wrong.
<JuanDaugherty> u should shit talkin cl in favor of rust
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<tux0r> heh
<tux0r> to be fair, writing a Cargofile is *notably* less annoying than juggling .asd files
<tux0r> the language itself, well..
<tux0r> rust has its own set of annoyances, including the borrow checker, but at least its build system is awesome.
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<bjorkintosh> tux0r: well your challenge then is to implement cargo ... but for common lisp!
<bjorkintosh> in common lisp!
<bjorkintosh> how's that?
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<tux0r> sounds great, but i'm afraid i won't live long enough to manage that task
<bjorkintosh> never say never.
<tux0r> handling the required .asd files alone will cost me YEARS!
<bjorkintosh> but. your efforts will bring about much needed rusting of cl
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<aeth> I've never met a build system that I liked, they always just shuffle the complexity somewhere :-p
<aeth> nothing's free
<tux0r> internal complexity is fine as long as package maintainers and software developers won't have to touch it
<aeth> my experience with build systems is usually that it's written once, and then copied and pasted into all future projects (or perhaps IDEs do the copy and pasting for you)
<aeth> the simpler ones tend to implicitly use the filesystem structure as project structure (which ASDF can do, with package-inferred-system, which probably still isn't simple enough)
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<aeth> I think build systems are a deceptively hard problem, although the internals of ASDF do look pretty overengineered
<tux0r> so are the externals. ;-)
<tux0r> i mean, most build systems try to cover all possible use cases, and that's probably the wrong approach
<tux0r> even cargo *can* be configured into a rube goldberg machine
<tux0r> i wish i could say go does it better
<aeth> yes, a lot of libraries are overly generalized, although build systems kind of seem justified in that
<tux0r> depends
<tux0r> "code in, binaries out"
<tux0r> that sounds rather specialized to me
<tux0r> "but we can also ship your manuals and make you a coffee" no please dont.
<aeth> ah, but they also have to order the files
<aeth> if it was all one file, it'd be simple
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<tux0r> in some languages, that's easy. find main(), everything else is mostly straightforward.
<aeth> Common Lisp has the advantage and disadvantage that its compilation can do anything.
<aeth> you can make someone play tetris and only continue the compilation if they get above a certain score...
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<tux0r> anyway, good night for now. :)
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<Guest67> Hello, a bit SBCL focused (so maybe the wrong channel), but I have an issue with compiler-macro expansion producing a stack overflow. Using this file: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/4672#4672 and `sbcl --eval '(load (compile-file "map-apply"))'`, I get a stack overflow. BUT doing a (funcall (compile nil (lambda ...))) in the same file works when
<Guest67> simply using sbcl --script.
<Guest67> Any idea would be nice =)
<beach> What if you do COMPILE-FILE at the REPL?
<Guest67> Same thing.
<beach> Same as what? Overflow or not?
<beach> Oh, and COMPILE is a function, so it evaluates the (LAMBDA ...) before calling COMPILE.
<Guest67> Whoops, no warning during compilation, loading the produced file gets an overflow
<Guest67> Good point! Forgot about that ^^
<beach> Well, compiler macros work at compile time, so it is unlikely to be a problem with the compiler macro if the overflow happens at load time.
<Guest67> That's what I thought, but since I just return the form untouched and not compiling works... well, I don't know ^^'
<beach> Er, maybe you should not use NCONC here.
<Guest67> God you were right, append works
<beach> As I recall, it is not specified whether &REST parameter contains a fresh list or not.
<Guest67> Thanks for this, this is something I remember having doubts about!
<beach> Sure.
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<bpas> hello any resources containing all topics covered in the hyperspec
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<beach> bpas: The HyperSpec is one such resource, no? Do you want something different?
<jackdaniel> so impatient
<jackdaniel> they've left
<beach> Yeah, I noticed.
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<Demosthenex> i'm on day 3 of advent of code in cl. woo! i'm not that rusty ;]
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<beach> Great!
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<mi6x3m> friends, can I setf something conditionally in CL?
<mi6x3m> (setf (if "foo" sym1 sym2) 42)
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<bjorkintosh> mi6x3m: try it and see first.
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<beach> If IF is a valid place, you can, but I can't remember.
<gilberth> IF is not, which is a pity. However you can make it one: http://clim.rocks/gilbert/if-setf-expander.lisp
<gilberth> Though you're not allowed to do that, as IF is in the COMMON-LISP package. You would need your own IF.
<mi6x3m> I see, so it's theoretical and highly impractical :D
<gilberth> I missed IF being a place many times. But what's next then? COND and CASE begin places as well?
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<reb> Demosthenex: I just did day 3 and 4 ...
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<Demosthenex> reb: nice! congrats!
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