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it's very quiet here. where are the lispnicks discussing all the great things lisp?
it's scattered over many channels including #lisp #commonlisp #lispgames #clschool and even the "off-topic" #lispcafe
And #sicl :)
From my experience, #commonlisp is for (mostly) serious CL-related discussion. It's fairly active when people ask questions, as the logs indicate.
* attila_lendvai
joins #lisp
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#lisp is all-Lisps now, but it seems to mostly be less-active-than-here Common Lisp discussions because Scheme has #scheme and the Scheme-specific implementation channels
it gets some elisp I guess
Used to idle on #lisp for a time. But the issue is that the "space of lisps" is way too large and diverse, so most discussions there tend to be too general, or devolve into the recurring "what's the best lisp" flamewar.
hi, attila. long time.
#scheme is pretty active, mostly owing to the fact that quite a few SRFI authors and the new RNRS chair hangs out there.
when #common-lisp was created i thought that it will become what #lisp used to be. i didn't even have #lisp autojoin anymore, that i have reinstated now
hi dlowe! :)
dlowe, doing some nostalgia... i even wrote a readme for the team:
<ixelp> · GitHub
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attila_lendvai: is your hu.dwim product still live?
as for lisp, i'm hacking on guix nowadays, but i don't really feel home there. i'm enthusiastic as a user, but don't really feel welcome as a developer...
dlowe, you mean actual leaf projects deployed at customers? there is a last one online.
guile is a really disappointing experience after slime+sbcl
attila_lendvai: I remember you were integrated with a government system at one time
isn't there a guile swank?
dlowe, we got kicked out once a large enough tender came online... it was an ugly business, especially once we deployed the system and operated it long enough that some money was arranged for it. i'll never voluntarily interact with any government again.
attila_lendvai: ugh, sorry to hear that
dlowe, once i looked into connecting slime and guile, but the conclusion was that it's not in any useful shape...
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maybe i'll look into it once again into guile and slime, but i'm not holding my breath. i should first probably recover all those nice commits in my slime fork that were rejected by the then-maintainer of slime... and then prepare for some inevitable slime hacking.
my impression is that there's much less life in the cl community today than a decade ago when we were active. is that a fair assessment? places like alexandria should have some traffic if the community itself were lively, no?
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it does't seem to bd more dead than usual to me ;)
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tgere's more active community on discord (ouch)
and there are some people on xmpp I think
implementor scene revives briefly near els and on other times people hack quietly or not
new souls are swiftly redurected to clschool with a memo tgat experimenting with the language is strictly prohibited
and sometimes a more interesting question or demo drops here
* alcor
wonders where the lisp XMPP room is :p
contrapunctus: do you happen to know?
Or if you already have a client.
Well, Discord's always going to have a lot of activity. Too much of it. The signal:noise is quite poor in my experience, but I never considered using it for programming languages.
dlowe, i forgot to add that the big insider company that took our place was operating our lisp stuff for years (!) to come. but of course they rewrote the thing in java... :)
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Quick question: does anyone know why SBCL hangs for me when trying to write to a named pipe? I do mkfifo /tmp/pipe, then (open "/tmp/pipe" :direction :output :element-type (list 'unsigned-byte 8) :if-exists :append)
I want to write bytes to this /tmp/pipe, but when I eval the (open) form, SBCL just freezes until interrupted
phantomics, not sure, but those things have a limited buffer. if that gets full, e.g. because no one is reading from it on the other end, then the write call hangs
phantomics, are you by any chance exec'ing another binary? if yes, then look into what uiop does
* attila_lendvai
realizes that (open) is way before writing
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phantomics: you can't seek to the end of a pipe, don't use :append
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:if-exists :overwrite is probably the right thing here
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Ok thanks
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It also hangs if :overwrite is on
attila_lendvai, this pipe is being used as input by another binary that I call using uiop, the specific command is /tmp/vpipe-out >> ffmpeg -vcodec vp8 /tmp/out1.webm
I've tried calling this command both before and after the (open) eval, and it hangs on the (open) either way