jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<ixelp> A lisp implementation - Summary [Savannah]
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<beach> Oh, wow!
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<scymtym> some messages with more information about the project, including the original announcement: https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?from=2022-01-15T01%3A54%3A25&to=2024-11-15T13%3A54%3A25&search&by=agm
<beach> Thanks. I had no recollection of it, but now I can figure out more about it.
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<jackdaniel> I need to keep a mental note to not announce my new common lisp implementation on #commonlisp when I make one; after reading that log I feel discouraged by proxy!
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<beach> Why do you feel discouraged?
<jackdaniel> it's the vibe of this channel I think; someone comes and says "look at this something cool I've created" and what they get is "did you know about/ why not this particular way/ etc", while nobody looked at this from the angle of "wow, cool!"
<jackdaniel> perhaps that's because we (as channel members) are too staurated with clever ideas?
* jackdaniel shrugs
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<beach> I think those were mostly question to understand detailed design and motivation.
<beach> ... and to help with information that the person may have missed.
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<jackdaniel> don't get me wrong, I don't think that questiosn were bad at all
<beach> And it is hard to get excited when there are many design decisions that one finds suboptimal or otherwise strange. Though perhaps one should keep that to oneself and express excitement anyway.
<jackdaniel> but I imagine that someone announcing a new common lisp implementation would expect at least a little excitement; that's not directed at you - rather at discussion surrounding the topic (from logs, I'm also present there)
<beach> I see, yes.
<jackdaniel> and nothing wrong with not feeling excitement, but it may be discouraging; I tend to notice more these kind of things as the little one grows
<beach> I understand.
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<rainthree> http://metamodular.com/Common-Lisp/dynamic-geometry.html interesting that someone else proposed this too, 3 years back, long before I did https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1632375249#1632375249
<ixelp> Dynamic geometry program
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<beach> I must have created the web page from the suggestion here. I wouldn't have come up with it myself.
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<jackdaniel> https://cse.buffalo.edu/~shapiro/Commonlisp/commonLisp.pdf -- interesting book (cltl2)
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<rainthree> 'it's the vibe of this channel I think; someone comes and says "look at this something cool I've created" and what they get is "did you know about/ why not this particular way/ etc", while nobody looked at this from the angle of "wow, cool!"' yes, giving encouragement and then very slowly moving towards improving/correcting the thing, is what gives better results (psychologically speaking) in most cases.
<rainthree> Another more extreme approach, is to even support wrong things. For a certain percentage of the population, it's the only way to help them (i.e. attract them towards the right path). Otherwise that part of the population will remain in complete darkness, attracted by even worse things.
<rainthree> The biggest downside of this approach is that very soon it will be forgotten that the only reason the wrong things were being talked about as if they are good, was to help those who can't be helped otherwise (the big majority). What's more: in order for this approach to be effective, you must never publicly mention or admit that what you said was only for this reason, and it was a lie. You have to lie 'till the very end. It
<rainthree> is the approach that has been used by the religions.
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<jackdaniel> the fallout of being sceptically received on the community channel is usually a) moving to another place featuring the language, b) changing the language
<jackdaniel> there are exceptions of course
<jackdaniel> so that's probably the key difference between professional activity where you will keep doing /the thing/, and own-time activity where a certain threshold of anxiety makes you hop onto another topic
<pranav> Dishonest appreciation is worse than scarce but genuine one IMHO, and will dilute the joy people get out of sharing. At least you can trust the criticism is meant. What works for me is to take the time to empathize with the intent and effort behind what's presented while exploring it, and avoiding skin-deep judgments of their work while commenting/questioning. Expressing appreciation first works, but ha
<pranav> s to be genuine.
* jackdaniel agrees
<jackdaniel> that's why I've mentioned (on #commonlisp), that it is probably the problem of people being exposed to too many interesting ideas
<pranav> I like how Taleb puts it: "No politeness, without warmth."
<jackdaniel> i.e it is much harder to impress #commonlisp crowd than other crowds
<jackdaniel> and that preasumbly impacts the amount of newcomers who are swiftly dealt with by redirecting to #clschool or #clnoobs (I don't remember which is the current one)
<jackdaniel> to put it less politely, people on cl are often jaded and (at the same time) infatuated with their own stuff (me included! :)
<rainthree> pranav: If a beginner comes to the realization that 1+1=2, I can appreciate his efforts, and push him forward in a way that he feels encouraged
<scymtym> to be fair, criticism and pointers to prior work are often qualified with "if you are making your own lisp/compiler/gui/testing framework as a learning project, that's fine of course"
<jackdaniel> that sounds a bit condescending to me; it is fine to work on any delusion at ones discretion without any conditions; working for someone is another story of course
<bjorkintosh> sometimes, ignoring the helpful critics is best for creative work :-D
<jackdaniel> but perhaps for native english it does not sound it that way
<jackdaniel> s/sound it/sound/
<jackdaniel> the prhas
<bjorkintosh> Imagine Dijkstra talking to a beginner interested in programming.
<jackdaniel> the phrase "if .. .then that's fine"
<bjorkintosh> best to ignore him and stick with BASIC until one gets comfortable.
<jackdaniel> I'm ignoring him to this day, because "goto is harmful" is harmful ,)
<bjorkintosh> good. we're not all writing programs to control rocket ships.
<bjorkintosh> hell, these days it might be easier to make a GPT do the hard work.
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<vyrsh> how to post cute code snippets here? I want to just post small code here
<beach> plaster.tymoon.eu
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<beach> vyrsh: Were you going to show some code?
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<vyrsh> not big code.. just I wrote flatten
<vyrsh> (defun flatten (arr)
<vyrsh> (cond
<vyrsh> ((eq arr nil) nil)
<vyrsh> ((atom (car arr)) (cons (car arr) (flatten (cdr arr))))
<vyrsh> (t (append (flatten (car arr)) (flatten (cdr arr))))))
<vyrsh> oh this works too
<beach> You are supposed to use a paste site for more than one line of code.
<vyrsh> sorry
<vyrsh> was just trying
<vyrsh> I have a question
<beach> What does ARR mean here?
<vyrsh> list, its the argument in the flatten function
<vyrsh> array
<beach> You can't take the CAR and the CDR of an array.
<beach> And (EQ ARR NIL) is better expressed as (NULL ARR).
<vyrsh> oh thanks
<vyrsh> I wrote arr instead of list
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<beach> And if ARR is an atom other than NIL, this will fail, because you will attempt to take the CAR of that atom.
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<vyrsh> you are correct. I only was thinking about lists as input
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<beach> Do you mean proper lists? Because a list can be a dotted list.
<vyrsh> list like '(a b c (d e) f)
<vyrsh> few months ago, I wrote a small automatic back prop library in lisp. but it was for singular values and I wanted to use it in a small neural network library. so I figured I have to write automatic backpropagtion library for matrices.
<beach> But a list can be (A B . C), which is why I pointed out that you were not thinking only of lists, but you were thinking only of proper lists.
<vyrsh> oh ok
<vyrsh> what are some important pointers I should have in my design of the automatic back prop matrices code?
<vyrsh> I want to have it so when I do matrix operations like mult matrices, then I can do (backward matrixX) and all the matrices that result in the matrixX get a grad value on it
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<vyrsh> ok so I read it.. it doesnt seem to have automatic back propagation.. I once wrote a neural network library in C and this code seems similar to that, where you are just writing a loop to do the backpropagation one by one for the layer and then the layer after. not really automatic backpropagation
<vyrsh> I want to have some operations. and the library should be able to compute grads for whatever parameters I have used with the operations
<vyrsh> I think I should make a list of operations first.. because Im also looking at special operations for neural networks that preserve symmetries
<jackdaniel> you seem to know what do you want from the program - why not just write it then?
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<jackdaniel> there's a machine learning library mal if you look for some more involved and production ready code
<jackdaniel> mgl * not mal
<aeth> what you want to do is design a DSL (domain-specific-language) that has the semantics that you want, and then implement that.
<aeth> there probably isn't a library that does it exactly the way you want
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