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<Guest45> Hi, I'm Saran, an electronics student. I'm very eager to learn about the Linux kernel, drivers, and data paths. I’m currently doing an internship where I primarily work on Wi-Fi and the kernel.
<Guest45> I would like to buy a BeagleBone board, but I'm confused about which one would be more suitable for me: BeagleBone Black or BeagleBone AI. The BeagleBone Black has tons of resources and guides available online, but it doesn’t come with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and it also has eMMC storage, which is dedicated to Linux.
<Guest45> On the other hand, the BeagleBone AI has built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, as well as AI support. I’m not sure whether it has the same power as the BeagleBone Black.
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* set_ thinks fim should be an acronym too in POSIX compliant worlds...
<set_> F (foot) I (in) M (mouth)
* set_ puts fim every day when dealt life as a given choice!
<set_> Geaux BBB!
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