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<Guest78> Any hints on working out why my new "BeagleBone Black Rev C - 4GB - Pre-installed Debian" reboots every few minutes? I've got it connected to the USB port with a 2A 5V USB power supply.  No peripherals attached.  When I started out, I had HDMI connected, and it seemed to take a lot of reboots before the desktop displayed.  But even then it
<Guest78> rebooted very often.  Eventually connected Ethernet, which actually seemed to make it more stable.  Now I've disconnected keyboard and HDMI, and just have Ethernet connected.  Can SSH in with the default credentials, but still reboots every few minutes...
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<zmatt> if it includes a graphical desktop it must be a really ancient system?
<zmatt> there's any number of things that could be wrong, I'd suggest just reflashing it with the latest official image
<zmatt> probably less work than debugging whatever is the issue
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<Guest78> Interesting - the board is actually brand new.  Quote from the sellers web site (
<Guest78> This model includes 4GB of eMMC built-in storage instead of the Rev B's 2GB. With the doubled storage and faster eMMC, the developers were able to make the Rev C's most significant change: shipping the BeagleBone Black with Debian Linux pre-loaded on the board's flash instead of Angstrom Linux.
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<sicelo> mmm, newer images don't provide graphical desktop?
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<alcob-tio53> hello, what images?
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<zmatt> sicelo: the change from 2GB to 4GB and from Angstrom to Debian both happened a decade ago lol
<zmatt> there exist images with graphical desktop, but the beaglebone uses an industrial SoC that's really not meant for running a desktop environment, just simple touchscreen UIs at most
<sicelo> gotcha
<zmatt> and desktop environment tend to be so bloated that they almost entirely fill up the eMMC
<zmatt> the latest official image (eMMC flasher) for the beaglebone black is
<zmatt> you can check which image you're currently running using the command: cat /etc/dogtag
<zmatt> but it probably also tells you when you log in anyway? if I remember correctly
<sicelo> i must be on some late 2022 or early 2023. i always use ssh, so i never used gui. just thought there was
<zmatt> if it came preinstalled with a gui I'd guess the board is probably much older, maybe thepihut had it lying on a shelf somewhere for who knows how long
<zmatt> if there's a small sticker on the side showing a 2D barcode and the numbers 400524 1301 followed by a 6-digit and 4-digit number, that 4-digit number is year and week of manufacture
<zmatt> (but there's other formats of serial number stickers as well, depending on who manufactured the board and when)
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