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<set_> Okay and...
<jakllsch> and what?
<set_> If I want to read or at least see output on my BBB from a Mintron via ______, what is _______?
<set_> Mintron is an IP Cam.
<set_> I have what I think is a connection but should I just use a Linux Box or can I use the BBB?
<set_> I was thinking via UART. Right?
<set_> Anyway...look here:
<set_> The JP6 connection is my connection. It was with connector only. I was going to test it.
<set_> I can power the device with 12v and get a UART connection but what steps should I take? Is there a way to flash my own source to the machine in question via a BBB?
<set_> Anyway, I have this four pin connection. I think it is RX, TX, GND, and PWR.
<set_> Now, what is what? No clue. I need to test that out.
<set_> And...
<set_> There are exactly two other connections. One three pin and one two pin.
<set_> I have no clue as to what they may be so far either.
<set_> Yay!
<set_> It has a s-video port on it too!
<set_> Sorry. s-vhs.
<set_> "old school!"
<set_> bbl...dang it. My debian is messed up.
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<set_> So, I cannot sign in via Debian on Libera Chat.
<set_> Oh well.
<set_> Oh and I believe JP6 is not UART.
<set_> I found something called J4 that has six pins available that are not populated!
<set_> Solder to the rescue!
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