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<alcob-tio53> My beagley-ai always red led, maybe bad flashing
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<brook_> how is the first unused section of the eMMC organized? it seems to have u-boot, but i'm not sure if it has a filesystem.
<jakllsch> there's probably a list of LBAs the mask ROM boot loader will look for a next stage on eMMC in the TRM
<brook_> so you are guessing that there are specific offsets from the beginning of the disk for MLO and u-boot.img?
<brook_> instead of a filesystem?
<jakllsch> in document SPRUH73Q section
<jakllsch> for raw mode, and for looking for "MLO" on FAT
<jakllsch> it looks for an boot image in raw mode at 0, 128KiB, 256KiB, and 384KiB, and the image can be 128KiB or more in size
<brook_> thanks. I'm seeing that, too. I'm not seeing how it knows "raw" v. "FAT" mode, though. I guess it looks for an MBR?
<brook_> or maybe is just checks those offsets and if nothing found assumes FAT mode?
<jakllsch> probably the latter
<brook_> OK, things to explore. thanks.
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<zmatt> jakllsch: the image must be 109K or less (excluding the header)
<zmatt> brook_: yeah it looks for a raw mmc header at those offsets and if none found falls back to FAT
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