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<set_> Hey! Sat (one day past Friday Funday) is a nice day and I will spend it with electronics at the helm of the subject...
<set_> BBB!
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<set_> If I can find time for it today, a new post will be available for Python3, Flask, and servers on the BBAI-64.
<set_> I think I can port the old source from the BBB to it with minor changes.
<set_> Then, post-post-post.
<set_> I need to configure wifi on the BBAI-64 too. So, although daunting, I will try.
<set_> Not as rusty as I thought!
<set_> With regards to the source, @zmatt is owed the credit. I just pick and place.
<set_> Okay. Hahhaha.
<set_> why are the back two motors not working? Oh!
<set_> Okay...
<set_> Dang it.
<set_> The rear wheels no longer work.
<set_> Off to the continuity test to see if these motors are EOL or just hateful to me...
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<set_> It works!
<set_> I am terrible at coding once again!
<set_> yes!
<set_> all four motors like to move now!
<set_> Now, if I can only figure out how to make sure the motors move on this bot when there is some sort of stimuli.
<set_> Like, bananas being thrown to cats == motors on the move!
<set_> I have that one camera that can handle specific ideas, e.g. movement being intercepted and then action is on my part of the source.
<set_> Anyway, chatting to myself here. Phew and yes!
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<set_> Motors engage! Bot moveth aroundeth... Geaux "new" boards!