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<zmatt> set_: what on earth are you doing o.O
<zmatt> if it's an IP camera, it's connected via network
<zmatt> you're not going to interface a camera to a beaglebone via some wires
<zmatt> the beaglebone has no camera interface
<zmatt> the bbb anyway
<zmatt> (and other AM335x-based beaglebones)
<zmatt> your options are usb or network
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<set_> Argh!
<set_> First off, I tried to read the output of a UART connection via a Debian Distro, i.e. tio /dev/ttyUSB0.
<set_> Nothing popped up, i.e. no output.
<set_> So, I am thinking that I may have the incorrect header(s) for this project being utilized.
<set_> I am null and void. You know this idea to be a fact. So, I figured, the only connector with wires I have fits!
<set_> Test it!
<set_> So, I did.
<set_> I am using that CP2021 or whatever it is called.
<set_> Let me double check.
<set_> CP2102, sorry.
<set_> This instance may be too new of a chip to backport it for usefullness.
<set_> So, I will try the FTDI next.
<set_> But, the Debian Distro with groups dialout worked with the CP2102, i.e. tio /dev/ttyUSB0.
<set_> Just no UART connection was made b/c it is closed source Hardware?
<set_> Probably.
<set_> Secrets by the plenty. Okay done for now.
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<set_> Basically, all I want for now (starters) is to read output from the camera chip to serial...
<set_> I found some unpopulated holes that seem like it could be a winner. I just need to solder the connections and read them on a scope.
<set_> The first four pin connector I found made me think UART. So, of course I tried it before reading the output on a scope. Blah.
<set_> I should have known better.
<set_> I did. I knew better but went against better judgment.
<set_> Hmm.
<set_> Maybe the CAM needs to be plugged in while I test UART to TTL.
<set_> There are three boards; all of which are connected by some form or fashion.
<set_> I really know very little about UART and connections for IP Cams of yesteryear.
<set_> Mintron is the brand of chips, FYI. I just figured if anyone knew anything, 'silence' and 'crickets' would be left to the parade seekers. So far, I can PWR the 12v chip and cap via its barrel jack. I have not tested the connections for serial while motherboard and daughter card are attached.
<set_> There seems to be some type of very fast interchange connector for mother and daughter.
<set_> Currently, I am seeking support on digikey. They have parts people that know their search tools better than I.
<set_> Notta!
<set_> Dang, I do not even know if it is 3.3v (probably not) or 5v or something different... Off to the oscilloscope one day.
<set_> I was trying straight RX, TX, and GND only. I decided to try 3.3v PWR in case it needs additional oomph for this connector. This way, I do not fry the thing if it was reversed. But, if it is or was 1.8v, oops.
<set_> excited still!
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