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<zmatt> dinuxbg: oh I like the use of the "min" instruction, obvious in retrospect but I hadn't thought of it
<zmatt> lt3_u16 is still sub-optimal but at least not as dumb as clpru
<zmatt> is gcc abi-compatible yet with clpru? :P
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<zmatt> jkridner: we just received the returned beaglebone from one of our speakers where the system clock was running 4% too fast.... I think I spot a slight issue with its 24 MHz crystal: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q5jaPKo7dwMRihh36
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<jkridner> k. :-(
<zmatt> looks like the same 25 MHz crystal also used for ethernet (Y3)
<zmatt> I'm confused how this could happen to a single board... unless there's actually a batch of these out there in the world
<jkridner> BOM management issue?
<zmatt> or tray loaded with wrong part?
<jkridner> i’m sure it did if so. :-(
<zmatt> would usb even work on this thing? hold on lemme try
<zmatt> heh, sure as hell not
<zmatt> ethernet works though, since it has its own crystal
<zmatt> but non-working USB seems like it should have a high probability of getting noticed as a problem by users... we just happen to not use usb
<zmatt> anyway, want me to send you the serial number / eeprom info to perhaps trace the batch?
<jkridner> cannot think USB would work. absolutely send the serial number.
<jkridner> also, www.beagleboard.org/rma.
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<zmatt> yeah 4% frequency deviation is way too much for usb
<jkridner> how did the extra speed get noticed?
<zmatt> streaming audio via the network failed because our daemon tried to determine the relationship between the audio sample clock from our dsp and raw monotonic time (which is used for network time sync using PTP)
<zmatt> and the value it got was way out of bounds so it failed
<zmatt> looks like we flashed this beaglebone in January of this year, so I don't think this is within the RMA period
<zmatt> (also I'm not sure they'd consider it "unmodified" anyway since we do OTP programming of eMMC settings, which sacrifices 50% capacity in exchange for reliability, which means they wouldn't be able to reflash it with the default image)
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