I'm trying to figure out the next course of action. I have this project I worked on using Python and Pygame on Raspberry Pi 4. Due to the chip shortage I am forced to look into other options for a linux based SoC to run my project on and I landed on Beaglebone black. I am currently trying to get my project running on it but it seems that, based on
the input from the pygame userbase, it will require a whole lot of stuff I have no idea about like ,recompile SDL2 from source, recompiling Pygame from source to use a different frame buffer, install all the dependencies for evdev/kmsdrm/input/directfb et cetera.
recompiling all that is needed? o.O
See, I don't know if that is true or not
for all I know that's what i have to do
I don't really know anything about SDL... with qt5 you can just select the desired backend using environment variables
At this point I am wondering, would it not be easier to just.... not use pygame and just recode my project using something else that just works natively on beaglebone? What would that be? I only used pygame to display simple text, rectabled, simple textures
There was one thing that pygame offered, and that is post processing, it's almost shader like, where I could create chromatic abberation and screen distoprtion effect
qt is a software framework so I don't know if it's possible to do that sort of stuff there
"You can set the environment variable "SDL_VIDEODRIVER" to the name of the driver you want to use."
Is that in regards to pygame?
for sdl yeah
Oh I need to also point out that I was using headless rasbian.
so no gui, just console.
when I launched my pygame application, it just shows up fullscreen
sounds like it was already using one of the framebuffer backends then
So now I was trying to run it on beaglebone IoT but it doesn't show the game window
I put together a quick python application to cycle through a list of display drivers to determine which one beaglebone IoT was using
my current intuition says maybe sdl's kmsdrm backend doesn't like the tilcdc kernel driver for some reason (probably a dumb reason)
Is I see
Ok so I should try iOT or minimal instead
which wone do you recomend I start with?
using strace to trace kernel syscalls may be informative, although you'd preferably want to do that on some minimal sdl example written in C/C++ rather than something like pygame... but trying a newer sdl version by using bullseye may be a better thing to start with since maybe the issue is already fixed
if you're comfortable with installing whatever debian packages you need using apt, I'd start with minimal. the iot image comes with a bunch of stuff preinstalled which may not be relevant to you at all and just wastes disk space
gotcha, I'll start with minimal
At this junction I either have to try to get pygame running, or I need to use something else like perhaps Adafruit GFX.
Can GFX be rendered to HDMI?
or will I have to use some SPI screen?
I've never heard of "adafruit gfx" ... in my experience, most adafruit stuff for the beaglebone is of dubioous quality
Ah gotcha
Adafruit GFX is a custom graphics library, used most frequently to write text and deaphical interface to SPI driver displays
you shouldn't need anything special, if sdl kmsdrm isn't working on the beaglebone that's a bug in sdl
(or a bug in *some* library anyway)
Is someone trying to use the GPU on the BBB or is not what this is about right now?
this has nothing to do with the gpu
No issue.
If the kernel has it loaded, pre installed on the image, user space allows for accessing many things.
For instance, I would need to account for a file in user space when accessing, what @zmatt said about strace, usable kernel modules.
wtf are you talking about
SDL2 gives issues to everyone who uses it.
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It is not an issue w/ SDL2 or a backend. I found that kiosk mode is available somehow.
Now, did I remember or account for this change. No. But, I like this subject. I do not want to see it die just yet.
@zmatt, I thought you guys were having trouble w/ promoting a kiosk mode type setting.
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wtf is "kiosk mode"? what are you talking about?
It could be a floating captured graphic or whatever graphic.
Kiosk mode, is just a term for screen w/ graphics only.
installing the dependencies on minimal
anyone ever tried to replace the 4gb onboard emmc with a larger capacity?
I saw one person to it.
I saw one person do it but did they make it work, no clue.
I guess if you're comfortable reworking bga chips you could just swap it out
and hope the board survives :P
not sure why you'd want to, 4G is a lot of space
buster minimal doesn't fit on the mmc
what? yes it does
or at least that forum page did not provide an option
I assume that if they don't provide a download then it didn't work out?
there's no "buster minimal" image btw, do you mean buster console?
the only options I see there for minimal is microSD
so it runs off the microsd
On the side note. Something I noticed
for bullseye there's no flasher images for some reason, you need to boot from sd card, log in, do "sudo enable-beagle-flasher" and then reboot
I see
this is mentioned in the post
so you do it manually
yeah I read that part but I did not comprehand
what it was reffering to
yeah there's a weird mistaken comment in that section it seems
On the side note. How come I cannot download pip for python3 using sudo apt-get install python3-pip until I do sudo apt-get update
I know that pip usually comes with python
but not in this minimal release
I have to install pip manually and the command to do so:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
was failing
until I updated using sudo apt-get update
that's just how apt works, you need to do apt-get update occasionally to download the package lists, and in particular need to do it at least once to begin with
package list is stored locally
I see
that's why it said it could not find package
sudo apt-get update retreives a new up to date package list
hold on
the driver test didn't fail
it stopped on kmsdrm
could it
could it possibly be salvation?
Ok now I need to set up the actual game project
that's the best kind of debugging... when you don't actually have to do it because the issue has already been fixed
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looks like I'm on the last few dependencies left
gotta give user permission to use i2c-2 port
this used to work, I tried debian@BeagleBone:~$ chmod g+rw /dev/i2c-2
but even though it goes through, python still says user permissions denied
debian@BeagleBone:~$ ls -l /dev/i2c-2
huh, that looks like it should change the group of the device to gpio, so why didn't that happen....
the reason would escape me even if it was staring me in the face
but that last command did stop the permission error
so now I's onto the last stretch
that's not persistent across reboot though
huh let me try
youre right
just got the error again
the exact same udev rule is working fine on my beaglebone, so I don't really get what's going on
literally didn't change that file at all aside from doing:
sudo groupadd i2c-2
it's written a bit weirdly (normally conditions like ACTION=="add" should be before actions like GROUP="i2c") but I don't see how that could matter
By default, no password is required to log in as root, but if you’ve defined one, you’re prompted to type it.
but then again
article from 2016
TheConceptBoy: that.
for all the benefits the internet brings us, outdated documentation is not one of them
I have absolutely no ide how I managed to grant user permissions to i2c-2 port last time but I certainly don't remember messing with the udev file
I miss arduino
this is 100% an udev rule issue
normally you should have access by default to i2c on beaglebone images, this is a bug
in the bullseye image
I'm trying to figure out what might be going on
I see
On rasbian we have to manually go into the configuration and enable i2c, perhaps the same was adopted for bb?
users's job to only enable ports that users need
no it's just a broken udev rule
I think I may be onto it
I've reproduced the issue, just hold while I figure this out
after this there's one more thing before I think it'll launch
ohhhhhhhhhhh d'oh, 80-i2c-noroot.rules has nothing to do with this
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
TheConceptBoy: the i2c-tools package includes an udev rule that sets up the permissions of /dev/i2c-* and my guess would be that this package is missing from the minimal image
rebooting to test
it was indeed one of the steps I missed
I'm honestly not even sure what 80-i2c-noroot.rules is supposed to accomplish
ok it's no longer complaining
last thing is the video error
video system not initalized
from what?
oygame.error: Video System not initialized
stackoverflow says you may have forgotten pygame.init() ?
I don't know anything about pygame so I'm no more useful than google is for this
what does it mean when the comand line just looks like this
incomplete command, it's waiting for more input
any way to terminate?
like, if you press enter with an unclosed { or whatever
esc or ctrl+C don't work
oops wrong keyboard
got it
thank you
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Good day, again
I've gotten a bit of progress in getting my pygame project running on beaglebone. This issue may or may not be related with pygame, which means I may or may not find the answer here but I thought I'
I've gotten most of the errors resolved. The pygame actually runs if I sed the sdl video driver envirionment variable to dummy, which of course, doesn't make the application window appear, but I can hear it play sound and effects based on what I know is supposed to happen
I'm honestly thinking of just re-writing the visual end with something else
Something that just works on beaglebone out of the box
What can I use to make this text based game with? QT is one solution
ugh, gbm stuff again... I'm not really sure how this stuff is *supposed* to work or why it doesn't just.... work. I think gbm is trying to load a driver-specific shared library for buffer allocation or something, though I don't really understand why since tilcdc supports the generic driver-independent buffer allocation ("dumb buffer") kernel api
This may be why I was told I'
I'd have to recompile pygame from source
this has nothing to do with pygame
recompiling pygame would get you absolutely nothing
Me not being able to tell the difference if it does or not certainly doesn't bode well
Ok so - to be honest - this is a text based game with only a few quirks like screen distortion for aestetic
Most of the code is just python moving data between dictionary key value pairs
What else can I make use to build a GUI application for debian minimum?
I don't really have advice to offer, I haven't done any gui development in the last decade
I don't understand why shit like this _still_ doesn't JUST WORK
I'm honestly considering just running an SPI display through python and Adafruit GFX library
and completely forgetting about onboard hdmi
it looks like gbm tries to use the internal backend by default and if this fails it falls back to trying to load an external backend, which ends up giving that error (since no such external backend exists or has any reason to exist), so the question is why the internal backend fails
but that internal backend looks like a maze of indirection
and it all seems to be integrated with stuff for opengl which we don't have, need, or care about
I don't understand why buffer allocation has to be such a complex mess