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<Guest9023> Does anyone have the newest Debian Bullseye am355x image with GUI interface? I've tried Robert Nelson's Debian 11.x (Bullseye) Minimal Snapshot and IOT Snapshot but they haven't been readable on my SD card.
<zmatt> what do you mean by "haven't been readable" ?
<zmatt> note btw that neither minimal nor iot images have a gui, if for some reason you want a desktop gui on a beaglebone you'd need the xfce image
<Guest9023> The image would flash using etcher but I would get a message on my mac saying "Disk is not readable." I couldn't see any of the contents on the SD card
<zmatt> that's expected, mac doesn't understand linux filesystems
<zmatt> that's fine, if etcher completes successfully your sd card has been successfully flashed. that your mac doesn't understand how to read the card is not important
<Guest9023> I never got that message before when I used Buster. Also, when I flashed it to my BBB, the LED lights never stopped flashing
<zmatt> btw don't expect a desktop environment to run well on a beaglebone.... the AM335x is an industrial SoC with very limited graphics capability meant mainly for simple touchscreen interfaces, it's not really designed to be used like a desktop pc
<zmatt> strange that you didn't get the message before, I would actually *expect* such a message
<Guest9023> I'm trying to run a PyQT5 through the BBB onto my Mac. So don't I need a GUI?
<zmatt> also these images are not flashers, the beaglebone will simply boot from them
<zmatt> the flashing leds, presumably a heartbeat on the usr1 led, is just indicating the system is running
<zmatt> what do you mean by "through the BBB onto my Mac" ? like, with X11 forwarding? you definitely don't need x11 for that on the beaglebone at all
<zmatt> if you want to flash to eMMC you can invoke a command for that after logging in while booted from sd card
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<Guest9023> So I insert the SD card with the image, log into my ssh then enter the command to flash to eMMC?
<Guest9023> Do I have to hold the S2 button down when powering on, or can I just insert USB?
<zmatt> *usually* holding down S2 during power-on (you can let go once the power led turns on) isn't required to make a beaglebone boot from sd card, it only is if there's a really old/weird/broken bootloader on eMMC that fails to (properly) boot the linux system on sd card
<zmatt> it doesn't hurt though
<Guest9023> ok, that's good to know
<zmatt> note that S2 is only sampled at power-on and the setting remains in effect until next power-cycle
<Guest9023> Is it possible to run PyQt5 on beaglebone black and have it displayed on your Mac like a monitor?
<zmatt> there are ways to do that yes, e.g. using x11 forwarding via ssh, or using something like vnc
<zmatt> I'd try the x11 forwarding solution first (you can just google "mac x11 forwarding") since it's less hassle and has less resource requirements on the beaglebone
<zmatt> if it turns out unreasonably slow then you may need to resort to vnc, but I don't really know the steps to set it up
<zmatt> ah apparently qt5 has a vnc backend that makes a single qt5 application accessible via vnc:
<Guest9023> ok, but neither vnc or x11 forwarding need a GUI interface in the image?
<zmatt> x11 forwarding doesn't, vnc via the method I just linked doesn't either
<Guest9023> Ok, so this image should work then? am335x-debian-11.5-minimal-armhf-2022-11-01-2gb.img.xz 12
<zmatt> minimal or iot is your choice... keep in mind that the minimal image is pretty... minimal. use it only if you're comfortable with manually installing whatever debian packages you end up needing
<zmatt> then again, you're going to need to install some packages either way, so minimal may be fine for you
<Guest9023> Ya I'll need the anaconda package with all the python libraries (NumPy, Matplotlib, PyQt5 etc)
<Guest9023> It's saying,
<Guest9023> Matts-MacBook-Air:~ mattlyon$ ssh debian@beaglebone.local
<Guest9023> ssh: connect to host beaglebone.local port 22: Connection refused
<zmatt> does the mac see the usb network interface?
<zmatt> like, in your network settings or whatever?
<Guest9023> Ya
<zmatt> oh wait, connection refused
<zmatt> might it still be booting?
<zmatt> just try it again
<Guest9023> Ya it was still booting.
<zmatt> yeah that happens if you've previously logged into a different system with the same hostname
<zmatt> just remove the old key from your known_hosts using ssh-keygen -R beaglebone.local
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<Guest9023> Ya that worked. I think it's rebooting now. It won't let me enter into the local network
<zmatt> note that to provide the beaglebone with internet access you'll probably want to connect it to an ethernet network if possible (or to wifi if you have a beaglebone variant with wifi)
<zmatt> in principle it's possible via usb but this is a lot more fiddly and prone to cause loss of the ability to reach the beaglebone at all
<Guest9023> ok, I have an ethernet so I will use that instead
<Guest9023> once the system is rebooted. Can I leave the SD card in as extra storage? Do I have to erase the image off first
<zmatt> you'll probably want to erase it since otherwise if you leave the sd card in the beaglebone it'll just boot from it instead of booting from eMMC
<zmatt> and then setup a mountpoint for it or something
<zmatt> but installing a minimal system probably leaves more than 3G of free space, what are you planning to do that needs that much space?
<zmatt> the beaglebone isn't a great system for video editing or whatever ;)
<Guest9023> I probably don't need it, it's just in case the eMMC gets full
<Guest9023> It's for real-time data processing
<Guest9023> I read on Derek Molloy's Exploring Beaglebone that the blacks aren't good for real-time applications but I couldn't get a Pi due to the shortage so I'm hoping it will still work
<zmatt> "aren't good for real-time applications" ??
<zmatt> compared to what?
<Guest9023> Raspberry Pi's
<zmatt> people use the beaglebone for real-time audio processing ( and have turned it into a 12-channel 100Msps logic analyzer (BeagleLogic)
<zmatt> PRU gives it real-time capabilities the rpi can only dream of
<zmatt> and if you're just using it as a linux system.... it's just a linux system, with the limitations on real-time processing that comes with any linux system. you can use an rt kernel or xenomai to improve its real-time capabilities just like you can on any linux system obviously, hardware doesn't have a great deal to do with it
<zmatt> if you're doing stuff in python, it can't be *that* real-time anyway :P
<set_> I know!
<set_> Sorry. Carry on.
<set_> Bela is a neat thing for digital I/O and for instrumentation!
<zmatt> Guest9023: how "real-time" are we talking anyway?
<Guest9023> Ya, I don't care about crazy precision. 500ms - 1s is good enough
<zmatt> that's... not really what people generally mean when they say "real-time" lol ;) the only thing you'd need to beware of is blocking for a long time on disk access
<Guest9023> What's considered real time? Microseconds?
<zmatt> I mean, in the end "real-time" is more about assurance than about a specific latency, but generally it's not particularly challenging to do something within a 500ms-1s time constraint
<zmatt> like, at the most extreme end, BeagleLogic uses PRU to sample its digital inputs every 10 nanoseconds, in software, with not a single cpu cycle (5ns) of jitter
<zmatt> of course that's excessive for many applications. bela has an "action-to-sound" latency of 0.5ms
<zmatt> they use xenomai:
<Guest9023> Ya that's insane. Isn't that coming close to moving at the speed of light?
<zmatt> light travels 30cm per nanosecond
<zmatt> 30cm is a huge distance though, on chip-scale ;)
<Guest9023> What is the theoretical limit for real time with chips?
<zmatt> that sounds like an ill-defined question
<zmatt> the limit is defined by what you actually want to do and the budget you have to do it ;)
<zmatt> like, if you want extremely low latency, use analog processing... if that happens to make sense for a particular application
<Guest9023> Well at a certain point the chips will be too small to build on a quantum level so the distance for light to travel will be finite. So whatever that distance is will have some minimum time with speed of light
<zmatt> anyway, zZ
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<set_> I found a lesson on Linkedin that went into ideas of RAM, Storage, and processors w/ light movement included!
<set_> Sort of what you guys were discussing. So, he thought of a nanosecond as a single entity in RAM that took so many nanoseconds.
<set_> Then, multiplication on the chip took more nanoseconds and then when he discussed RAM and Storage, up-up-up.
<set_> Caches were discussed briefly.
<set_> Then, they wanted more money. Blah.
<set_> Financial AI is neat! Just hit the button and watch the merry-go-round go-go-go up-up-up. ha.
<set_> Anyway, the am335x can be used for multiplication on the PRUs or in another form.
<set_> ...
<set_> I was thinking while you guys/gals were typing. I thought of the amount of processing "speed" that is incorporated into the am335x per instruction and how long it takes w/ all the afforded parts.
<set_> Can I just use the am335x instead of using memory and storage to handle processing?
<set_> Super-Deluxe!
<set_> Sub-1GHz is blazing w/out an OS.
<set_> Anyway, that is probably too complicated to discuss in time w/out superb efforts from many sources. So, bowing out!
<set_> Still, neat to think about it.
<set_> mmio?
<set_> Python3 has a mmio mechanism that costs money from someone. Anyway, not your issue. I will learn somehow.
<set_> Oh! It seems that mmio in python3 is using system calls. I thought system calls were not a route one should take...
<set_> I read a Linux book that is against system calls.
<set_> Ut oh.
<set_> Servo Too Hot!
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<nick12310> How would I go about taking data from inputs read by my PRU and putting it somewhere on the computer? The final destination is to send over ethernet back to my host computer
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<nick12310> How would I go about taking data from inputs read by my PRU and putting it somewhere on the computer? The final destination is to send over ethernet back to my host computer. I see something about shared memory, is that the best way to do it?
<zmatt> that would be a typical way to communicate between pru and linux userspace yes
<zmatt> (when using remoteproc-pru there's also rpmsg, which still uses shared memory behind the scenes but layers a really really inefficient message-passing protocol on top to destroy your pru application's performance and determinism)
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