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<wens> krzk: could you take a look at Angelo's question regarding DT compatible fallbacks for MT6366? It's in a reply to the mfd driver patch, not on the DT bindings, so you might have skipped over it #
<krzk> wens: I am not reading unrelated patches (there would be like 300 per day)
<krzk> wens: what's the question? so I won't need to read entire thread?
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<wens> MT6366 is somewhat compatbile to MT6358, but they are not subsets of one another; they do however have chip ID registers that can be read out
<wens> Angelo was asking if we could just have mt6358 compatible as the fallback, and not add new compatible strings to the driver
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<wens> however since the regulator sets are different, i.e. the bindings need different compatible strings to match against, I assume this will not work?
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<wens> simplified: MT6358 has regulators A, B, C ... , MT6366 has regulators A, B, D ...
<wens> my understanding is we need separate compatible strings for them, without possibility of using fallbacks
<krzk> If devices are different (in incompatible way), but offer detection mechanism (ID register), then we often use fallback/compatibility.
<wens> but if the regulator node names are enumerated in the bindings, how would we write the bindings so that they don't give errors?
<wens> I suppose if the sub-nodes are optional, then it could pass?
<krzk> You have anyway device specific compatible right? So what is the difference in the bindings?
<krzk> That part of bindings - regulator nodes, some allOf:if:then whatever - is anyway the same, maybe excep twhat you put to actual if: clause.
<wens> the fallback, mt6358, would have several possible sub-nodes that shouldn't be possible to use with mt6366
<wens> oh I see, I can reject the ones not usable with mt6366 in the if clause
<krzk> wens: in any case you would have nodes only for one variant, what is the difference?
<krzk> if you use separate compatibles, you also have sub-nodes for one variant and sub-nodes for other variant
<krzk> Exactly the same problem
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<wens> krzk: the problem is the set of possible sub-nodes under the regulator node is different; and with my regulator name cleanup, they become completely non-overlapping
<wens> the original names have type prefixes and underscores that I want to get rid of
<krzk> wens: This I get, but whether you use same fallback or not, you have exactly the same overlap and the same problem.
<krzk> (or lack of overlap)
<wens> so it's either separate binding files for different compatibles, or if/else clauses; the latter would be the same with or without fallbacks
<wens> I believe that's what you're saying?
<krzk> wens: no, I said you will have the same problem in both ways. We did not speak about separate binding files.
<krzk> wens: so you have ONE binding with two different comaptibles and sub-nodes which differ between them, right? So using now fallbacj, changes nothing...
<wens> ack
<krzk> wens: if you have two separate bindings in the first place... using fallback - again, what changed? nothing
<krzk> The only difference is in first case - one binding file - where the "if:" should strictly match compatible for mt6358 (so not using "contains:")
<krzk> and in separate comaptibles this could be "contains" or not - doe snot matter because there is no fallback/common compatible.
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<wens> oh, using a strictly matching "if" would make it easier to write
<wens> thanks for the help. my main question was whether it was doable.
<wens> I guess I have some rewriting to do
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<wens> krzk: one other question, on the DT and bindings side, we'd still need device-specific compatible plus fallback for the PMIC/mfd ("mt6366", "mt6358"), and not just sharing the base model ("mt6358"), right?
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<pivi> krzk and all: is there an easy way to run the DT checker only on affected dts files when modifying a dtsi?
<krzk> wens: yes
<krzk> pivi: or my talk from ELCE?
<pivi> krzk: my specific concern is to restrict the check on dts file that are affected by a specific change in the dtsi. I know how to run the checker for a specific yaml, for a specific dts. I am looking for a way to check all the dts files affected by a dtsi change
<pivi> I guess that given the preprocessor is involved is not going to be trivial, but maybe something exist
<pivi> s/the dtsi/a dtsi/
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<lag> ukleinek: I was OOO last week and next - check again tomorrow
<ukleinek> lag: great, thanks!
<lag> ukleinek: NP
<NishanthMenon> pivi: the trick i use is to restrict it to just the arch that is impacted by modifying the .config. I use a script such as -> then git clean -fdx arch Documentation/;((make W=1 LLVM=1 ARCH=arm64 -j`nproc` dtbs_check > /dev/null) 2>&1)|grep -v "^\s\s*"|sort -u>next.txt
<pivi> NishanthMenon: thanks for sharing, that helps!
<NishanthMenon> pivi: np
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