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<conchuod> linusw__: Do you have any idea why mchp_pci1xxxx_gpio.c is still in drivers/misc?
<conchuod> Just noone bothered to send a patch I suppose.
<bjdooks> does it actually use the gpio-api or was it some initial special case
<conchuod> Other than using the aux bus, it doesn't seem too abnormal to me.
<conchuod> But I don't know too much on that front.
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<robmur01> based on the cover letter, it sounds like a GPIO driver that might eventually have cause to expose some nvmem APIs as well
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<linusw__> conchuod: I think that thing should be moved to drivers/gpio. If you send a patch I'll ACK it.
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<conchuod> I'll try to convince the people that wrote it to do so, failing that then sure.
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<headless> linusw__: hey! still on vacations?
<headless> :-)
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* headless looking at drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-at91-pio4.c and wondering whether it's safe to ignore the result of pinctrl_utils_add_map_mux()
<headless> (like this driver does, unlike of the all of the others)
<headless> -the
<headless> too much editing :-)
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<headless> looks like pinctrl_utils_add_map_mux() can't fail indeed
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<linusw__> headless: nah I'm back to work, catching up on stuff
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