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<ardb> arnd: ever run into this?
<ardb> just multi_v7_defconfig with my distro's cross compiler
<arnd> ardb: I don't remember that one. It looks like the cross compiler doesn't provide the right target files, maybe you need to install the corresponding cross libgcc and/or libc?
<arnd> does it work with my crosstool?
<ardb> arnd: yeah that seems to work
<ardb> ah no wait
<ardb> same problem - it only occurs at the end when it builds the decompressor
<arnd> fwiw, debian provides the headers in the libgcc-12-dev-armhf-cross package
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<ardb> yeah i have all of those installed
<ardb> broken with clang as well
<ardb> very strange
<arnd> ardb: what is the gcc command line that caused this? Maybe a -ffreestanding snuck back in there?
<ardb> i'm rebuilding after wiping my build dir
<ardb> ... and now it works fine
<ardb> sorry for the noise
<nathanchance> arnd: Have you noticed that GCC plugins appear to be broken with GCC 13.1.0?
<arnd> nathanchance: thanks for the report! I don't think I saw that before. Is this on arm64 or x86 hosts?
<arnd> nathanchance: do you see the same problem when building arm32 kernels?
<nathanchance> arnd: I see the same error on both arm64 and x86_64 hosts
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<nathanchance> arnd: Comparing the def files in my distribution’s GCC vs the one shows two files that may be missing:
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<arnd> odd, I don't see those two files in any gcc builds regardless of host (arm64, x86_64, ppc64le) or target for gcc-13.1, maybe this was fixed on the gcc-13 branch later on?
<arnd> oh, there is a gcc-13.2 now, I should build that
<arnd> on a related note, I still have not uploaded the gcc-10.5 builds I did, because I could not manage to cross-compile a native x86 compiler on arm64
<arnd> all other combinations worked fine
<arnd> cross-compiling x86 is a constant pain, a this doesn't get tested as much as cross-compiling other targets
<broonie> Can't expect these legacy architectures to be well supported :P
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<milkylainen> arnd: cross compiling x86_64 on x86_64?
<milkylainen> If that's the case then I can attest it.
<robher> I've been getting a GCC plugin error too, but a different one. On gcc 12.2.0.
<arnd> robher: that just means you need to install libmpc-dev
<arnd> Possibly also libmpfr after that
<arnd> milkylainen: I meant cross-building a native x86 compiler on arm64 or something other than x86, but I suppose you'd hit the same thing on x86 as well if you can convince it to even try cross building that
<robher> arnd: Why don't I see it with the distro (debian) cross compilers?
<milkylainen> arnd: Ah, ok. It usually works fine for me, but I've seen some strange things through the years. Also, build envs doing crosses on the same arch can end up in funny places which would have been caught by binary incompatibility and similar.
<arnd> robher: probably some difference between how libmpc is packaged on the two. I'm fairly sure that debian's cross compilers are built and dynamically linked against the system libmpc, while my builds include the libmpc sources in order to avoid the runtime library dependency.
<arnd> it's definitely possible that I'm doing something stupid, so perhaps it's looking for the mpc.h header in /home/arnd/ where it would find them on my system but not on yours
<arnd> robher: doyou see the sme thing with gcc-12.1 and 12.3? I switch my build machine from x86 to arm64 during this time and tried to improve the build environment as well, it's possible that the 12.2 was an done after I move my build box but before I had it all working
<robher> arnd: let me try
<robher> arnd: Now I get: cc1: error: cannot load plugin ./scripts/gcc-plugins/ ./scripts/gcc-plugins/ undefined symbol: _ZN8opt_pass14set_pass_paramEjb
<robher> with 12.2 still
<robher> arnd: 12.3 for s390 works
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<milkylainen> seems to a few reports with the same issue? looks like it boils down to how it's built.
<milkylainen> ?
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<arnd> robher: that link failure might be a result of linking statically against libstdc++ but then linking the plugin against a different version of the library
<arnd> the way I understand it, it's supposed to be possible to mix building against different versions of libstdc++ as long as you are running against the latest one that was used for building, but if you mix static and dynamic linking that doesn't work, and I don't want to link dynamically against system libraries because that limits portability of the compiler itself
<arnd> there should probably be a check in Kconfig for this problem though, so it disables gcc plugins when the setup is broken like this
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