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<arnd> I'm going through my backlog of pull requests, trying to see if I can merge whatever came in the past week
<arnd> it looks like a couple of pull requests for drivers/soc are based on ulfh's genpd branch, which is ok, but I feel that they should have used that as the base commit for 'git request-pull' rather than using the -rc releases it was based on, as the shortlog in the PR gets messed up
<arnd> [florian]: I'm having trouble accessing your github repository, getting timeouts
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<arnd> it worked in the end after several more attempts
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<robmur01> HdkR: I think it's in Graviton3, if that counts
<HdkR> robmur01: Dang, bit hard to put one of those in my office.
<robmur01> Other silicon I'm aware of is also of the in-house cloudy variety :(
<HdkR> Supposedly the AmpereOne has it, but that's not shipping yet
<HdkR> I'd guess NVIDIA Grace has it as well
<HdkR> I mostly want to get my hands on one to see how much it has improved PCIe GPU communication :)
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<robmur01> Depends what your definition of "improve" is - it's potentially faster and has a newer version of the CHI protocol, that's probably about it. For all the weird PCIe issues on complete systems, talk to the PCIe root complex IP vendors ;)
<ardb> robmur01: you mean 'endpoint IP hacked up to resemble a root complex when mounted upside down' vendors, right?
<robmur01> heh
<HdkR> robmur01: Ideally fixing whatever the issue is when I try to plug a card in to my honeycomb lx2k
<HdkR> But somehow there is a doubt there
<HdkR> I guess I need to glare at PCie root complexes? :D
<robmur01> that one's a Synopsys IIRC
<HdkR> Interesting
<robmur01> I think the only common PCIe grumble that does actually go as far as the system interconnect is No Snoop, and any CMN should happen to fix that (because it can't not snoop, even for Non-Cacheable)
<HdkR> Neat
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<[florian]> arnd: I will be migrating to at some point, no reason to stay on
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