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[Discord] <amazingfate> I'm going to create a bumping pr soon
[Discord] <mecoblock> lmk if there’s something I can help with :)
[Discord] <raspberrygb> Just seen that Orange Pi 5 Max is mentioned in the change log of the new Armbian release. The last time I tried Chromium / Firefox on the community build for the board (and after adding Mesa/GPU driver), they crashed a lot. Anyone know why this might be / if there's an easy fix?
[Discord] <raspberrygb> (terminal output said something about stack smashing I think)
[Discord] <raspberrygb> Looks like I was using the chromium snap. After doing sudo apt install chromium ... it works much better, involving YouTube.
[Discord] <raspberrygb> Looks like I was using the chromium snap. After doing sudo apt install chromium ... it works much better, including YouTube.
[Discord] <tr9x> Hi. Could someone check if the new version 24.11.1 boots on Orange Pi 5b with eMMC?
[Discord] <raspberrygb> Is it possible to install VPU driver on an existing Armbian 25.2.0 noble installation (OP5 Max)?
[Discord] <mecoblock> Wanted to bring attention to this. Maybe someone else can help fix the precompiled libmali project since the recent update it’s broken