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[Discord] <beohoff3174> what did you use it for?
[Discord] <lanefu> I originally told firefly I'd make Armbian work on the modules and write some blog posts demoing it and they sent it to me.
[Discord] <lanefu> I did make Armbian run on the worker modules, but it's a reaaaaaaaaaally stupid platform that just angers me too much to figure out something useful with it.
[Discord] <lanefu> It has a dumb flat switch in it so you can only give the nodes. Single 1 gig uplink.
[Discord] <lanefu> You could do a k8s cluster on it with like an NFS mount or something for persistent storage for tinkering purposes, just bottleneck city
[Discord] <lanefu> It's "BMC" is offensively stupid as well. I scripted some stuff around it.. but man it just hurts too much lol
[Discord] <menu> heh it sounds like something i'd use, i have a lot of weird workloads, single gigabit would work fine
[Discord] <beohoff3174> I think trying to tinker around rockchip's drivers is enough high octane fun for me
[Discord] <menu> looking it up, it's actually very similar to a system i was asked to design, though we intended to target RK3588S for PVE clustering
[Discord] <lanefu> Iterns designed this thing
[Discord] <menu> if it was cheaper to move internationally i'd take it off your hands, it'd at least make a competent build server
[Discord] <menu> also those GPUs could *probably* find a spot in my pipeline, ideally i'd be re-encoding everything on the fly
[Discord] <lanefu> Yeah I'd the vpu stuff is good enough it could be moderately useful for that. I still think about the network bottleneck of trying to encode 10 video files concurrently across a shared gig link, but I guess that's probably sufficient bandwidth for 1080p jobs.
[Discord] <lanefu> Yeah if the vpu stuff is good enough it could be moderately useful for that. I still think about the network bottleneck of trying to encode 10 video files concurrently across a shared gig link, but I guess that's probably sufficient bandwidth for 1080p jobs.
[Discord] <menu> not much of a bottleneck for me, the majority of my bottleneck is having to re-encode the same file three times
[Discord] <menu> this is an incredibly silly decision
[Discord] <lanefu> Or that each module is OTG port is plumbed to a USB hub connected to that "main core" and that it only provides console access to the modules via ADB
[Discord] <lanefu> And the BMC is a weird form of Grafana that the modified to be a front end
[Discord] <lanefu> And they bastardizdd a web tty and node exporter beyond recognition to be the way they integrate the modules to grafana over OTG
[Discord] <menu> i don't hate that
[Discord] <lanefu> I basically figured out how to use their backend scripts to reimage the emmc with my images and the BMC is kinda blank and I find my nodes via DHCP
[Discord] <menu> i'd be very quickly ripping out their nonsense and replacing it though
[Discord] <lanefu> I guess I could have baked ADB into my Armbian kernel
[Discord] <lanefu> There's breakout on the board itself for the ttl consoles if u want them bad enough
[Discord] <menu> the BMC would make a great gateway to connect all the modules to a network, provided you don't mind the bandwidth limitation
[Discord] <menu> presumably you can use serial over usb too
[Discord] <menu> even if their software doesn't support it
[Discord] <menu> could possibly even network them over USB, if you wanted some additional bandwidth
[Discord] <lanefu> The "main" module would have to be the bridge between the nodes
[Discord] <lanefu> It would look like bridging 10 USB nics on a hub lol
[Discord] <menu> yes, it'd be useful for quite a few things
[Discord] <menu> i'd love to have an isolated control network, especially if using the BMC as a gateway/vpn tunnel
[Discord] <beohoff3174> does anyone know if there are any design files for an rk3588 board? Similar to this:
[Discord] <beohoff3174> There aren't many people using ddr5, and I'm wondering about the speed-up potential for my workload between ddr4 and ddr5
[Discord] <beohoff3174> There aren't many vendors using ddr5, and I'm wondering about the speed-up potential for my workload between ddr4 and ddr5
[Discord] <amazingfate> rockchip sell these files, and for high end socs like rk3588, these files are hard to get
[Discord] <amazingfate> rockchip sells these files, and for high end socs like rk3588, these files are hard to get
[Discord] <beohoff3174> Hmm ok makes sense, so unlikely to find anything out in ths open
[Discord] <beohoff3174> Maybe more of a CM approach would make sense. The above uses the CM5
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[Discord] <zeeto9> You might want to look into the specifics of the lpddr5. If I remember, some implementations on sbc don’t provide enough lanes or something like that to fully take advantage of it.
[Discord] <zeeto9> Or maybe it was having to do with splitting the memory modules.
[Discord] <menu> orange pi 5 plus schematic + gerber are on their website
[Discord] <menu> update on USB issues:
[Discord] <menu> 6.10 mainline doesn't work
[Discord] <menu> 6.1 vendor works correctly
[Discord] <menu> is that the one used for 6.1? (armbian vendor current)
[Discord] <menu> is that the one used for 6.1? (armbian vendor server)
[Discord] <mecoblock> no mainline you’re trying to get usb working there aren’t you? Don’t mind vendor then more or less use rock5b as example as per collabora HW enablement doc
[Discord] <menu> i want it to work in mainline, but the only one i can verify it works on is vendor, i don't know enough about the kernel to fix this
[Discord] <mecoblock> do you know which usb in device tree is the one that doesn’t work on the board?
[Discord] <menu> no, i know which port it enumerates as, but i have never touched a device tree
[Discord] <mecoblock> which is it?
[Discord] <menu> ```awk
[Discord] <menu> /: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci-hcd/1p, 5000M
[Discord] <menu> |__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=uas, 5000M
[Discord] <menu> ```
[Discord] <mecoblock> what was the exact issue again?
[Discord] <menu> fails to enumerate the USB3 on 6.10, worked on 5.10 and 6.1, dmesg says `usb usb3-port1: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad?`
[Discord] <fireman6740> aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[Discord] <fireman6740> .
[Discord] <efectn> I think this issue is related to usb driver in mainline
[Discord] <menu> possibly, i don't really know how to diagnose it properly
[Discord] <menu> USB baffles me
[Discord] <efectn> I catch the same error on Khadas edge 2 every time i plug a usb hub into usb3 port
[Discord] <menu> i'm gonna attempt to rebuild my PVE on 6.1, then build 6.12 and try it
[Discord] <menu> building 6.11 to try
[Discord] <menu> successfully connected as
[Discord] <menu> ```arm
[Discord] <menu> /: Bus 06.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-platform/1p, 480M
[Discord] <menu> |__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=usb-storage, 480M
[Discord] <menu> ```
[Discord] <menu> this is obviously not *correct*, but it's an improvement over 6.10